Where did rain come from?
The tears of papa and Rangi
How many children did Papa and Rangi have together?
100 children.
What does "Te Kore" mean?
Where did rivers and oceans come from?
The tears of Papa and Rangi filled the world with water
what couldn't happen due to Papa and Rangis love
Time and light couldn't pass between them.
What does "Te Po" mean?
What did Papas and Rangis blood become?
Clay and the red sunset.
Were Papas and Rangis children happy with how tightly they were being held?
They were not. they wished to be able to move and plotted against their parents.
Who was Rangi?
What is The Sky Father?
Where did wind come from?
Tāwhirimāteas breath mixed with his anger for his parents being separated.
How were Papa and Rangi separated?
By their children with 4 polls.
Who was Papa?
What is The Earth Mother?
How did stars become in Polynesian myth?
Tāwhirimātea took out his eyes and threw them into the sky, making stars.
Were all of Papa and Rangis children happy with them being separated?
No. One of their children Tāwhirimātea was enraged that his parents were seperated.
What happened when they held eachother tightly?
What is not time or light passing between them?