Lab Multiple Choice
Lab Equipment
Lab Safety 1
Lab Safety 2
Anything Goes

What should you do after working with specimens, chemicals, and lab substances?

A) Wipe hands with a towel

B)  Wash hands with soap and water

C)  Treat hands with skin lotion

B)  Wash hands with soap and water


True or False-

Eye glasses are enough protection when working in the lab



Who is responsible for lab safety



If something happens to you or a classmate--serious or minor--during a lab, what should you do?

A) Pretend like nothing happened

B) Tell your teacher

C) Call 911

D) Stop, drop, & roll

B) Tell your teacher  


Do not _________ or ____________ in the lab, since this could lead to accidental contamination &/or bodily harm to oneself.

eat or drink


Which of the following is a true statement?

A. Avoid wearing contact lenses in the lab, particularly when dealing with chemicals

B. Earphones can be worn as long as you are careful

C. Dangling and dazzling jewelry is acceptable in the lab

A. Avoid wearing contact lenses in the lab, particularly when dealing with chemicals


Lab aprons are for:

A) the teacher to put away

B) when wearing your best clothing

C) the protection of you & your clothing

D) wiping your hands

C) the protection of you & your clothing


True or False- 

When finished with a chemical you should pour any leftovers back into the original bottle



True / False-Never test anything by tasting it, or pipetting it into you &/or your lab partner's mouth.



What part of a lab report would this statement be associated with?

I believe that ice will cause the drink to be cooler.



All chemicals should be returned

A) to their original container

B) according to your teacher

C) to the next class

D) any of the above

B) according to your teacher


_____________ are used to measure & dispense small, precise amounts of liquids.



Name 3 safety devices in the laboratory

fire extinguisher, fire blanket, gas shut-off, drench shower, eye wash, goggles, goggle cabinet, lab aprons/lab coats


If long sleeves are worn, what can be done to prevent accidents? **Note:  More than once option may be correct.

A) Pull them over your hands instead of wearing gloves.

B) Make sure they're not loose

C) Roll them up

D) Rip or cut them off


B) Make sure they're not loose

C) Roll them up


What is always the first step in performing a lab?

read the procedure / lab packet / directions thoroughly before starting


Which of the following is the best footwear to use in the lab?

A. Closed-toed shoes

B. Open-toed shoes

C. Sandals

A. Closed-toed shoes


What instrument is used to measure mass?

 electric balance or triple beam balance


What can happen to hair not properly taken care of / adjusted prior to lab activities?  (name at least 3)

catch fire, occlude vision, knock things over, &/or droop into flask / chemicals


To smell as substance in a lab, _________ it towards you.  Do NOT stick your face in it!



If you do not understand a direction or a part of a lab procedure, you should

A) figure it out as you do the lab

B) try several methods until something works

C) ask the instructor before proceeding

D) skip it & go on to the next part

C) ask the instructor before proceeding


Where should test tubes be facing when you are heating them?

A. Towards the floor

B. Away from you and other people

C. Towards other people

B. Away from you and other people


True / False:  Never remove chemicals or other equipment from the laboratory



What is the right way to smell chemicals inside a test tube?

A. Put our nose above the tube

B. Put your nose to the side of the tube

C. Waft, create a fan motion to sweep the fumes to your nose

C. Waft, create a fan motion to sweep the fumes to your nose


True / False:  It's okay to pick up broken glass with your bare hands as long as the glass is placed in the trash.

False-ALWAYS use a broom & dust pan


Which of the following is NOT proper lab attire?

A) wearing shorts

B) wearing closed toe shoes

C) long hair is pulled back

D) long sleeves & loose clothing are rolled up

A) wearing shorts