What does it mean when someone or something is "A1"
Top-of the line, the best
Short for “lying,” “a lie,” or “to deceive.”
"It's giving..."
This thing is like...
or, It reminds me of...
“Sus” is short-form for suspicious and is used when someone does something unusual or questionable.
Two wrongs...
Don't make a right.
To overreact or be in a bad mood
Short for charisma, charming, or has game.
"glow up"
a makeover or improvement
Something that is "None of your business"
When the world gives you lemons...
you make lemonade.
stunned, shocked.
To become an obsession, to dominate someone’s thoughts.
Saying something is “mid” is to say that it’s mediocre or not that good.
Once in a blue...
Fear of Missing Out
Stylish, sophisticated clothes or appearance.
"Spill the tea"
Asking for someone to spill the tea is a gen Z slang way to say “So, tell us what happened…” or "Give us the gossip.."
It can mean either "bad" or "cool" depending on context.
The early bird...
Amazing, really good.
Greatest of all time
Bragging about something
You are telling someone they are cool or the best
Finish this statement, "Find a penny..."
Save a penny