This TV show includes the characters of Randy, Eric, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny
South Park
Jim Carrey starred as an investigator for animals in this movie.
Ace Ventura
The lead singer of Queen
Freddie Mercury
This QB was signed to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers after years playing in New England
Tom Brady
This Superhero lives in Metropolis
This TV show takes place in a bar with actors Woody Harrelson and Ted Danson
Who was the villian in the Austin Powers Trilogy
Dr. Evil
This musician was known as being the driving force behind creating grunge music in the 90s
Kurt Cobain
This team drafted Lebron James in 2003
Name this character
Wednesday Addams
This show was based on the books of the same name with titles such as The Haunted Mask, Coocoo Clock of Doom, and Say Cheese and Die
This movie starred Jake Gyllenhaal trapped in New York with his friends during multiple global catastrophes
The Day after Tomorrow
Who is the lead singer of the bands Soundgarden and Audioslave
Chris Cornell
Who holds the all time Home Run record in a career?
Barry Bonds
Name this TV character
Fox Mulder
This show is about criminal teenagers who are sent down to earth to see if it's viable for life
The 100
The prequel to the movie Split by M. Night Shyamalan
Who is the lead singer The Foo Fighters
Dave Grohl
What NBA team does Michael Jordan Own?
Who is this?
This Nickelodeon show centered around stories told by The Midnight Society.
Are you afraid of the dark
In 2019 this movie became the first Korean film to win an oscar
This band was famous for their one hit wonder Jump Around in the 90s
House of Pain
He is known as The Great One in hockey
Wayne Gretzky
Name this Duo
Sam and Dean