Featuring as a prolific member of Team Rocket, this feline character's signature move is Payday
This famous green Star Wars character was performed by Frank Oz - famous for being one of the lead puppeteers for the Muppets - in The Empire Strikes Back
Stranger Things features this enemy, named after a Dungeons and Dragons villain with two monkey heads
Silver Bullets are commonly depicted to be able to kill these fantasy beasts
Werewolves (InB4 "Lycanthropes")
In Voltron: the 5 lions that form the titular warrior are coloured Black, Red, Blue, Yellow and Green, with the Blue lion being the primary one
The Black Lion is the primary
This 1985 cartoon features such characters as Mumm-Ra, Lion-O and Snarf
The original Jurassic Park featured a pair of these dinosaurs in a tense scene in a kitchen
This Adam Sandler movie features many hit characters such as Donkey Kong, the dog from Duck Hunt, and Q*Bert
This character, commonly associated with the Fantastic Four, acts as a Herald of Galactus
The Silver Surfer
In 5e Dungeons and Dragons, there are seven classes that can cast spells: Artificer, Bard, Druid, Priest, Sorcerer, Warlock and Wizard
(Thackery) Binx
The team called International Rescue, were originally depicted as puppets in this show, named after the massive vehicles they pilot
Now known as Mario Mario, this character originally fought against Donkey Kong in an attempt to rescue his girlfriend
This character featuring in the book Blood of Elves, and later played by Henry Cavil, uses two swords - one of silver, and one of steel
Geralt of Rivia
In Doctor Who, Christopher Eccleston's version of the Doctor is revealed to have followed John Hurt's version (who was not numbered), thus making Eccleston's version the 11th version in total
Eccleston is technically the 10th version
When this cat from Austin Powers gets upset, people die
Mr. Bigglesworth
Consistently paired with the character of Jigsaw, this puppet, with his black suit and red bow tie, would like to know if you want to play a game
Billy the puppet
This Adventure Time character, who's name is shortened from 'Be More', is styled in a similar manner to a Nintendo Game Boy
In Minecraft, Silverfish spawn from these types of blocks, including cobblestone, stone bricks, and deepslate
Infested Blocks
The second longest piece of fanfiction is a piece of "SuperWhoLock" fanfiction called "The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest"
Super Smash Brothers
This worldwide icon, originally produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, is commonly known by a name that is not her full name - which is, in fact, Kitty White
Hello Kitty
This member of the bird-like Skeksis is famous for making 'mmmmmmmmmmmmm' sounds whenever he appears on screen
The Chamberlain (skekSil for cool points)
Collecting all of the floppy disk collectables in this game lets you play DOOM by accessing the protagonist's computer
DOOM: Eternal
Better known by this name, Keniuchio Harada was one of the characters featured in Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Silver Samurai
Avengers: Age of Ultron features a conflict between two AI characters: J.A.R.V.I.S and Ultron, in which Ultron gains control of the Iron Legion
J.A.R.V.I.S isn't an AI - he's a Natural-Language UI