Age of Nintendo
Swiftly, Taylor!
Disney Classics
Pop Culture of the 2020s
Kid's Programming

This 1983 video game rocked the world with its hammers, barrels, and large scaffolding.

What is Donkey Kong?


"It feels like a perfect night" Taylor proclaims in this song referring to the age where one is "Happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time."

What is 22?


In 1991 this film was released urging people to look beyond looks when finding love because there can be beauty in monsters.

What is Beauty and the Beast?


This influencer, who refers to his fans as his female siblings, was canceled a few years ago.

Who is James Charles?

This adventurer wears her signature colors, orange and pink, and goes around stopping foxes from "swiping."

Who is Dora the Explorer?


A companion to the Mario Bros is this green animal that can swallow and jump.

Who is Yoshi?


This ex of Taylor Swift inspired the song "Style" in correlation with his last name.

Who is Harry Styles?


Disney's first-ever movie followed this young maiden and her journey to meeting an assortment of little men.

What is Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs?

Nicki Minaj has got to keep an eye out for this celebrity under heat right now.

Who is Selena Gomez?


"Castaways" and "Into The Thick Of It" were two songs trending in 2021 from this show about 5 animals in a yard.

What is The Backyardigans?


The last ever Game Boy game published by Nintendo followed this puffball with very different attributes compared to today, for one-he wasn't pink.

Who is Kirby?


Lover, This Love (Taylor's Version), False God, The Way I Loved You (Taylor's Version), and Cruel Summer all appear in this Amazon Prime drama following the summer these teens weren't ugly anymore.

What is The Summer I Turned Pretty?

Aladdin's name after he wished to become a prince.

What is Prince Ali?


A meme not too long ago showed a very famous mother dancing to Moulin Rouge's Lady Marmalade. It usually went "You just got _____!" as the music repeated the "gitchies" and "ya ya da das"

What is Krissed? 


This classic Disney show follows a young medically inclined girl saving inanimate objects from illnesses and impairments.

What is Doc McStuffins?


The game of the year for 2018, one full of horse-riding, sword-fighting heroes that gave fans a taste of the outdoors.

What is The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of The Wild?


This Taylor Swift tune talks about the feeling of love inside a mist with a flower-color tint.

What is Lavender Haze?


This old movie from the 1940s created the Mickey look with the blue wizard hat and robe.

What is Fantasia?


Wake up! On April 1st, May 1st, and so forth this phrase will be once again on everyone's fyp celebrating the beginning of a new part of the year.

What is "Wake up, it's the first of the month?"


The most popular anime in the world followed this 10-year-old boy in a video game adaptation.

What is Pokemon?


The official title of the newest entry in Nintendo's all-out brawl series.

What is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?


This monicker follows the albums and songs that Swift has re-recorded under her new record label. Some of the songs with this new variation include You Belong With Me, I Knew You Were Trouble, and Wildest Dreams.

What is Taylor's Version?


Then this little boy said "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" in this movie, Disney's first ever fully 3-D animated movie.

What is Chicken Little?


This actress, a part of a show full of monsters and flipped worlds, is known for having little hair on multiple occasions.

Who is Millie Bobby Brown?


Blue healer puppy

What is Bluey