Tech Titans
Programming Memes
Movies and TV Shows
Gaming Legends
Women in Coding

He is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX.

Who is Elon Musk?

When asking a programmer why his code does or does not work, what will be his response?

"I don't know" or something similar


This TV show follows the lives of physicists who struggle with their social lives.

What is "The Big Bang Theory"?


The flagship series of Nintendo follows the adventures of an Italian plumber.

What is Mario?

Realizing that a computer can have more uses beyond calculation, she is the first woman in computer science.

Who is Ada Lovelace?


Co-founder of Microsoft, he is one of the richest people in the world.

Who is Bill Gates?

What phrase when testing someone else's code is one you never want to hear?

"It works on my machine"


Trapped in a simulated reality, one man must choose between the blue or red pill.

What is "The Matrix"?

One of the best-selling games of all time, it originated from Soviet Russia and involves stacking blocks.

What is Tetris?


Being the first to devise the theory of machine-independent programming languages, she is also credited with writing the first computer manual.

Who is Grace Hopper?


This corporation produces the best-selling smartphones in the world.

What is Apple?


This meme represents the average experience of a computer science student as a dog in a burning room

"This is fine"


In this TV show, a team of developers created a startup called "Pied Piper".

What is "Silicon Valley"?


Build. Explore. Create. Play in survival or creative in this blocky and pixelated world.

What is Minecraft?


She was nicknamed "the mother of the internet" when she invented the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).

Who is Radia Perlman?


He helped create the most popular social media platform of all time.

Who is Mark Zuckerberg?


This method is when someone explains their coding problem to someone or something else, accidentally discovering the solution.

What is rubber duck debugging?


This film tells the story of how Facebook was created.

What is "The Social Network"?


He is the most famous gaming icon of Xbox, helping make their consoles famous.

Who is Master Chief?


One of the first African-American women to work as a NASA scientist, she helped pioneer the use of computers for complex manual calculations.

Who is Katherine Johnson?


He is the current CEO of Google and its parent company, Alphabet.

Who is Sundar Pichai?


"Any code of your own that you haven't looked at for six or more months might as well have been written by someone else."

What is Eagleson's Law?


Based on a true story, Alan Turing tries to break the Enigma code.

What is "The Imitation Game"?


A man who destroyed his homeworld, he goes to the Norse world to start anew with his son.

Who is Kratos?


Coining the term "software engineering", she was the director of the division which developed on-board flight software for NASA's Apollo program.

Who is Margaret Hamilton?