What sport is America's pastime
Who is the best-selling rapper
What is the most successful film studio
What tv show debuted Will Smith as an actor
The Fresh Prince of Bel-air
Who is the Minecraft default skin
Who hold the world record for fast 100 metre dash
Usain Bolt
What genre did Bob Marley sing in
What is the first fully CGI movie
Toy Story
What tv show features Elmo, Big Bird, and Snuffaluffagus
Sesame Street
As of January 2022 what update are we in
1.18, or Caves and Cliffs
How many rings does Tom Brady have with the Patriots
Who's album sold the most in 2021, it is titled 30
What is the most successful movie of all time
Avatar with a lifetime gross of around $2.8 billion
What is the most watched Netflix TV show
Squid Games
What year did Minecraft come out
What NBA teams have the most championships
The Lakers and Celtics with 17
What band has the most album sales all time (Hint: they were active in the 60's and 70's)
The Beatles
What is the top selling movie in 2021
Spider-man:No Way Home
What weekly show has the most awards
Saturday Night Live
What does the wither drop when you kill it
The Nether Star
What year did the Nfl Start
Who is the real Biggie Smallz
Tim Bigelow
What actor has starred in the most movies
Eric Roberts with 455 movies
What is the longest-running scripted American Tv show
The Simpson's
Who is the creator of Minecraft