What vocab word has the definition of...
What vocab word has the definition of...
Ruler over several kingdoms or countries
What vocab word has the definition of...
A gift offered in exchange for a favor
What causes the volcano to smoke?
It smokes because Popo stood at the top of it because he was guarding Ixtla's pyramid
Why did Popo refuse to become emperor and rule Tenochtitlan?
So he can guard Ixla's Pyramid
What vocab word has the definition of...
Of, on, or near the seashore
What vocab word has the definition of...
parts broken off or incomplete
What vocab word has the definition of...
A result or conclusion
The emperor does not allow his daughter to marry
It causes her to go behind his back
Why are Popo and Ixtla unable to marry?
They are unable to marry because the emperor didn't want Ixtla to love
What vocab word has the definition of...
A struggle, fight, or battle
What vocab word has the definition of...
A square-bottomed structure with four sides shaped like triangles that meet in a point at the top
What vocab word has the definition of...
The period in which a king or queen rule
The warriors lie to the emperor about Popo's death
This caused Ixtla to grow sick
What does the Latin prefix Uni mean?
What vocab word has the definition of...
Ability, talent, or skill
What vocab word has the definition of...
The seat of government
What vocab word has the definition of...
Ixtla then hears about Popo's death
This causes Ixtla to die
what's the lesson that this legend suggest?
The lesson in this legend in to not lie because it can cause bad things to happen.
What vocab word has the definition of...
A surrounding of a city by an enemy force
What vocab word has the definition of...
About; round
What vocab word has the definition of...
displayed or publicly shown
The emperor spends all of his time teaching Ixtla statecraft
By doing this it causes Ixtla to be very smart in statecraft
What are two facts in this story?
-That Popocatepetl volcano smokes
-That there is snow on the volcano's