What decade was Elvis from?
The 50s
What is a collection of songs called?
An album
Jazz, tap, ballet
Who wore the iconic meat dress?
Lady Gaga
What decade did Whitney Houston become famous?
The 80s
What letter of the alphabet do we stop at when reading music?
What dance move is Michael Jackson famous for?
The moonwalk
What color is the carpet celebrities walk down?
What decade did disco occur?
The 70s
F-A-C-E is used to remember notes that go where on the staff?
In the spaces
What number do we count to when practicing dance?
What are people who take pictures of celebrities called?
Where are The Beatles from?
The UK/Britain
Every Good Boy Does Fine is used to remember that notes go where on the staff?
The lines
What does plie mean? Tell us or demonstrate.
What is the awards show for music called?
The Grammy's
What decade did Michael Jackson become a popstar?
The 80s
What does EP stand for?
Extended play
What does pirouette mean? Tell us or demonstrate.
What is a muse?
Someone that inspires you