These indicate the transfer of energy in a food web.
What to the arrows indicate in a food web?
Organisms need to release energy from energy storage molecules in order to reproduce.
What do organisms need to do in order to reproduce?
This variable is known to change.
What is an independent variable?
Something that is alive.
What does biotic mean?
These organisms would be producers and consumers.
What type of organisms are in a food web?
They get energy from eating resource populations.
How do organisms in consumer populations recieve energy storage molecules?
This variable is what you observe and record.
What is a dependent variable?
Something that is non-living.
What is abiotic?
There are more producers in the world than consumers.
Which is larger, producers or consumers?
The amount of energy storage molecules can affect a population.
What is the key factor for whether a population can reproduce or not?
This is what will be kept the same in an experiment.
What is control?
A population that eats organisms from antoher population.
What is a consumer population?
Organisms are using energy up.
What are organisms doing as they move and reproduce?
The larger the resource population, the more energy storage molecules this population will recieve.
Why do consumer populations depend on resource populations?
Some examples of these would be glucose, starch, and fat.
What are some examples of energy storage molecules?
A population that is eaten by organisms from another population.
What is a resource population?
This type of food web losed 10% of its energy as you go up its levels. (ex: producers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, ect...)
How much percentage of energy do trophic levels lose?
If the consumer population is large, the more ESMs it will need.
What will cause more deaths in the resource population?
This is the process of creating offspring.
What is reproduction?
A molecule that organisms can use to release the energy they need to survive and reproduce.
What are energy storage molecules?