Populist Party
Others - Strikes
What does Populist Party mean?
People's Party
What would the Farmers' Alliance eventually become?
Populist Party
What was McKinley's stance in business?
Conservative in business (Laissez-Faire) Gold Standard (Deflation)
Who are the fat people in the political cartoon depicting the gilded age?
Robber Barons
Where did the Pullman's Strike take place and who was it led by?
Chicago Eugene Debbs
What attracted the farmers to the Populist Party?
With populism you did not have to be an elite to make your country the way you want it. There will be no monopolistic companies destroying businesses and the government will not force you do to do what they want.
What type of people consisted the Farmers' Alliance?
Only aimed at those who owned land, ignored tenant farmers, excluded Blacks
Who were the two candidates for election of 1896 and what were their political parties?
Mckinley (Republican Candidate) William Jennings Bryan (Democratic Candidate)
Interpret the meaning of the cartoon where the standard oil is portrayed as an octopus.
Political cartoon showing a Standard Oil tank as an octopus with many tentacles wrapped aro und the steel, copper, and shipping industries, as well as a state house, the U.S. Capitol, and one tentacle reaching for the White House.
Why did the workers start a strike in Pullman Palace Car Company?
Company hit hard depression, cut wages by about 1/3
What was the 1897 Dingley Tariff?
Tariff level increased to 46.5%
What are the names of the people who led the Farmers' Alliance?
Ignatius Donnelly and Mary Elizabeth Lease
What was the name of the campaign that William Jennings Bryan pushed for?
"Free Silver" - Cross of Gold
What does the political cartoon of the stitched up hot air balloon mean?
The collection of parties that make up the Populist Party. Collective actions which alert, educate, mobilize the public, sometimes over years and decades, to challenge power-holders and the whole society to redress social problems or grievances to align with deeply held social values.
What were the two main court cases relating to the Granger Law?
1877 Munn vs. Illinois (Upholds Granger Laws) 1886 Wabash Case (Killed Granger Laws)
What was the reason for the failure of Populist party?
Populist party was blamed for the depression and therefore populists lost most of their strength and had to support the democrats in 1896
List 4 things that farmers in the Farmers' Alliance wanted.
Nationalization of railroads (Gov. take over) Abolition of national banks (Want state banks) Graduated income tax (Rich pay more) New federal sub-treasury for farmers (Inflation)
What does Free Silver mean?
Called for unlimited coinage of silver with ratio of 16 silver ounces to one ounce of gold
What does the political cartoon of the William Jennings Bryan mean and analyze the symbols.
In 1896 William Jennings Bryan gave a famous campaign speech analogizing the gold standard to a "crown of thorns" and describing it as a means to "crucify mankind."
What did Jacob Coxey ask for in the strike?
Relieving unemployment $500 million in legal tender notes (Inflation)
List 5 things that Populist Party pushed for.
Inflation Graduated Income Tax Government regulation of R.R, telegraphs, etc. Direct elections of U.S Senators One Term Limit Initiative and referendum Shorter Workday Immigration Restriction
What were the disadvantages the farmers faced due to business take-over?
Railroad overcharge farmers for carrying products Drive down of commodity prices Unable to pay off debts Banks foreclose farms
What was the unofficial party that was created during Election of 1896?
Democratic Populist Party - Due to the mix of democratic and populist ideas
Who does the head of the Populist party snake represent in the political cartoon?
Judge cartoon shows William Jennings Bryan/Populism as a snake swallowing up the mule representing the Democratic party
What were the parts of the Interstate Commerce Act 1887?
1st government attempt to regulate R.R Banned Rebates and pools Must publish rates openly No unfair discrimination against shippers