Clownfish live symbiotically with which cnidarian?
What is a sea anemone?
This class exists in leuconoid form only. Examples are the boring sponge and the electric blue sponge.
What is Demonspongiae?
This class exists in Asconoid, Syconoid, Leuconoid form. An example is the Scypha.
What is Calcarea?
Venus's flower basket is a member of this Class.
What is Hexactinellida?
Motile Cnidarians include _______.
What is the Portuguese Man-o-War and the jellyfish?
Morphologically, sponges exhibit 3 different types. Name them.
What are asconoid, syconoid, and leuconoid?
Name the 4 classes of Cnidarians.
What are Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, Scyphozoa, and Cubozoa?
These types of cells have a flagellum to propel water through a sponge.
What are choanocytes or collar cells?
Sponges were considered _________ until 1765.
What are plants?
Sea fans, sea pansies, and sea pens belong to this Class.
What is Anthozoa?
These cells are responsible for secreting spongin and spicules, storing food particles, and repairing the sponge.
What are amoebocytes?