Explain passive vs active investing
passive: investors keep track of a benchmark to match the benchmark returns
Active: investors believe the market has inefficiencies and makes decisions to bet against the market
How many days of history can you see on at the bottom half of your BBU page?
30 days
What are the 3 ways you can upload data into CDE?
Manual creation, BBU upload, Drag & Drop
Walk me through how to set a portfolio as the default portfolio for PORT Classic.
Amber dropdown >> Browse more >> click under the 'Def' Column
What is the one setting on PRTU that cannot be changed after creating the portfolio?
Position Type
What are the mandatory fields/columns you need in your BBU upload file?
Security ID & Positions
Who can users share their CDEs with?
Only users within their firm
What functions to PORT's Cashflows feed in from?
AKA, what other function on the terminal.
Equities: BDVD
Bonds: CSHF
Mortgages: CFT
A client has to backdate a portfolio but has 200 holdings and does not want to re-enter all of them. What would you suggest the client to do? Explain the steps
Go to past date >> Action >> import securities
A client wants to manually add a security into a GICS sector. Provide me the steps.
Add in the GICS sector classification >> Add/Edit Rules >> ID059
Mappings tab >> Set a match pattern
Explain the 'Rollup' setting on CDE.
Rollup lets you attribute the same information to other securities that share the same issuer, corporate ticker, corporate parent as indicated in the Capital Structure (CAST) function, and many other criteria.
Where can the client find KRD metrics? What is duration?
Characteristics >> Key Rates
Duration = bond's sensitivity to interest rate changes.
Explain the purpose/functionality of adding a future margin. Why is it necessary on PORT?
Futures do not have market value in the portfolio because it is a FUTURE contract. Therefore, you can add a margin to assign its current MV.
Future = contract that you will buy a specific security at a specific price, at a specific date
Can a client use custom data as custom classifications? If so, walk me through the steps.
Upload the custom data
UNCL >> Right click >> Bucket by field values >> Select your CDE
Client's BBU upload is stuck on "Processing". Why?
The client's Excel file is open on their computer. The file needs to be CLOSED in order for the upload to complete.
Equities. Workaround = PORT E License
A client is looking to update their PORT CLASSIC view settings. But, the options to edit and save are greyed out. Why is that?
Client is using one of the default PORT CLASSIC Views. We can only edit PERSONAL views.
What are important settings that a client must turn on or off in order to pull historical fields for a tickerized portfolio?
Computer Risk & Char 1 Day
Computer risk & Char: Historical
A client wants to exclude the securities in a UNCL that he made. Where can the client do this on PORT CLASSIC? What do they NEED to do on UNCL to ensure this works?
1. Actions >> Exclude Securities
2. Make sure 'Tag as exclusion' is selected.
A client has upload a BBU file with 100 lines, to update a portfolio that's already previous been uploaded. BUT, at the bottom of the BBU screen, they see "2" under total 'lines'. Why is that?
Only 2 lines have been updated from the previous upload
A client has uploaded custom prices for a EQPL security. Walk me through the next steps to ensure that the price flows through into port.
Manage Defaults >> Select the correct CDE for 'PRICE'
Add CDE to pricing waterfall
* Make sure that the PORT page is using the right calc profile
By default, what prices show on the intraday tab for FI and Options?
Bid Price, Mid Price
Client has a SWPM in their portfolio - but they want to see their positions expressed in UNITS of contracts. Where can the client specify this?
PRTU >> click into portfolio >> Settings >> Advanced >> click 'SWPM/CDSV...'
By Default, it will be expressed as notional, which is the FACE VALUE of the instrument in a contract.
When turned ON, positions will be expressed in terms of UNITS of contracts.