"Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"
Cave Johnson
What is the full name of the portal gun?
"The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device"
Name a question Chell was asked in her volunteer form to be an Aperture test subject.
"What is the longest you have gone without talking voluntarily?"
"Do you experience frequent thoughts of Regicide?"
"If you disappeared tomorrow would anyone miss you?"
In the funding feud between Black Mesa and Aperture Laboratories who is receiving more funding
What flavor is the cake?
Black Forest Cake
"the cake is a lie.
"the cake is a lie.
"the cake is a lie.
"the cake is a lie."
Doug Rattmann
Which Aperture testing contraption is located within the arctic?
The Borealis
What is a canonical reasoning for workshop maps in Portal 2
Multiverse time travel
The Portal flash game
The scene of leaving Aperture in Portal 1 during the beta was originally a much more surprising and strange discovery. What was so notable about the surface in the Portal beta?
The exit to Aperture lead to Xen
Which U.S state does Aperture Laboratory reside
What is white portal gel in Portal 2 made out of?
Crushed moon rocks
What mental disorder does Doug Rattmann suffer from?
In portal 2 there was planned to be an encounter with a talking companion cube. Who was this cube?
Cave Johnson
"Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man. He was cast into the bowels of the Earth and pecked by birds."
The Oracle Turret
Atlas and P-Body are apart of what Aperture test?
The Aperture Cooperative Testing Initiative
Aperture Radio frequencies
Aperture Labs Hard Hat
What frequency is the radio set to?
85.2 FM
"Before the Wright Brothers invented the airplane, anyone wanting to fly anywhere was required to eat 200 pounds of helium."
The Fact Core
Take your daughter to work day
A robot pulls Chell back into Aperture at the end of Portal 1 because she is assuming what position?
The party escort submission position
In Aperture Desk Job, the player gives himself a tattoo of a dragon holding a knife while in jail. What tattoo does Grady get after the fact?
A human skeleton arm
In portal 2 there is an interactable movie trailer in the extras menus. In the teaser, the player starts in the train that soon derails. Following the accident, the player walks through the aftermath of the crash until arriving to a boxcar with an armored door. The unseen alien smashes the door open, then the teaser cuts to black, and is followed by the roar of the escaped creature.
What movie is this a teaser for?