Prevention Specialist
What is my job title?
What day of the week do I come visit you?
How you think and feel about yourself.
What is Self-Concept?
Safe Adult
Who can you talk to about your emotions?
Repeatedly causing someone harm, physically and emotionally, even as a joke, is called what?
What is my favorite color?
10 Weeks
How long is Positive Action?
Negative Actions and Feelings
Negative thoughts lead to what?
Healthy Coping Strategies
What can be used to process emotions in a positive way?
Your Peers, Friends, Family, and Community
Who can you be respectful and kind towards?
What are my favorite animals?
Note Cards
What is available to you every week for questions?
Positive Actions and Feelings
Positive thoughts lead to what?
You do
Who has ultimate control over your emotions?
Good and Bad
The two types of peer pressure are what?
The Beach
Where is my favorite place to go?
The best version of yourself
Today is the day you can become...
Positive or Negative
How you view yourself can be what?
Be honest with yourself.
In order to process your emotions you need to do what?
They do not value you.
If someone does not respect your "no"...
5 Years Old
I almost got married at what age?
What is Positive Action all about?
Physical, Intellectual, Social, Emotional
What are the 4 areas of self-concept?
When you do not use healthy coping mechanisms, you eventually explode like a what?
What is referred to as not valuing someone else's differing beliefs and isolating them?