Direct Language (don't say this)
Direct Language (instead, say this)
Reinforcing Language
Reminding Language
Redirecting Language
"Look how nicely Bobby and Clarence are standing in line" (announced to the class to get a few children to stop pushing in line).
What is an example of manipulating children's behavior by holding up classmates as exemplars?
"Maria, Paul, and George, join me at the end of the line. Show me how to follow our hands-off rule" (said quietly to the three students).
What is an example of telling the children directly what to do?
"Students, your artwork shows that you put careful thought into it. Your illustrations show so much detail" (rather than "Good job!" or "Beautiful work!")
What is an example of naming concrete, specific behaviors?
"Garrett, hallway rules say that we need to move safely. Show me what that will look like."
What is an example of naming expectations clearly?
"Freeze. Come stand by me for a minute. Now try the water fountain line again, keeping your hands to yourself" (instead of "Don't push in line at the water fountain").
What is an example of naming desired, not undesired, behavior?
"Could you please wait your turn to speak?"
What is an example of phrasing directions as questions?
"It's time to listen" (said in a matter-of-fact tone with a raised-hand signal for attention).
What is an example of phrasing directions as directions?
"Tanya, you remembered our five-finger rule. You selected a meat, two vegetables, a drink, and dessert. That's a healthy and complete lunch."
What is an example of using a warm and professional tone?
"What should you be doing right now?" (said in a neutral, sarcasm-free manner).
What is an example of using a direct tone and neutral body language?
"Manny, come here. Tag gently. OK, try it again. I'll watch you" (instead of "Manny, come here. Listen, can you tag gently?").
What is an example of phrasing redirections as commands, not questions?
"Roger, you're in 4th grade. Our first graders follow rules better than you. Why am I not surprised by your behavior?"
What is an example of using sarcasm?
"Roger, stop. Walk to your classroom. I'll watch you from here" (in a firm tone).
What is an example of pointing the child in the positive direction?
"You were friendly and safe on the bus today. When you stay in your seats and talk to your seatmates, the ride is more pleasant for everyone" (rather than "I like it when you stay in your seats and talk to your seatmates").
What is an example of emphasizing description over personal approval?
"What do you need to do when you hear the fire alarm today during our fire drill?"
What is an example of anticipating potential behavior problems?
"Stop. Walk with me" (rather than "If you don't slow down, you're going to stay in from recess and practice safe walking").
What is an example of saying only what you want the child to do, without naming "or else" consequences?
"You're trying to test my patience, aren't you? I think you enjoy starting arguments during recess."
What is an example of generalizing about a child's motivation?
"It looks like recess is a hard time of day for you. What's happening at recess that makes it hard for you to remember our safety rules?"
What is an example of figuring out what's going on with that child?
"Clayton, your teacher says you've had a great morning. She said you finished all your work and you might be reading a story to your kindergarten buddy this afternoon. You're staying focused during writing time. What strategies are helping you do that?"
What is an example of finding positives to name in all students?
"Play safely and kindly; show me how" (said right when children are beginning to play roughly).
What is an example of issuing reminders early?
(At lunch:) "Mary and Tirza, take a break at the quiet table" (instead of "Girls, I asked you to use inside voices in the cafeteria. You're screaming across the room to your friends, and that's not allowed here. Do you need to sit at the take-a-break table?").
What is an example of using a neutral, firm, nonaccusatory tone?
"Taylor, we've talked about this many times. How many times do I have to remind you to keep your hands to yourself when walking in line?"
What is an example of pulling in negative history?
"Taylor, hands to yourself in the hall. Come walk with me."
What is an example of remaining in the present moment?
"Billy, you caught yourself and stopped talking when Jackson was sharing. You're getting better at holding on to your good ideas until it's your turn to speak."
What is an example of naming progress, even if a goal hasn't been fully reached?
"Remember our recycling rules" (without going into a long explanation).
What is an example of keeping it brief?
"Alton, take a break" (instead of "Alton, take a break. Yelling like that is not acceptable here. We've talked about using kind, friendly words. What's going on with you anyway?)
What is an example of using as few words as possible (in the moment of misbehavior - waiting to assert unacceptability later, when Alton has collected himself)?