Positive Thinking
Success Shenanigans
True or False

What is a positive attitude?

It is the attitude that helps you see the good in people, yourself, and situations. 


What is motivation?

Motivation is what causes you to act or behave a certain way.


This phrase describes the phenomenon when you finally achieve a goal after what seems like a million failures—like trying to bake a soufflé for the first time.

What is "the sweet taste of success"?


It is important to have a good/positive attitude 

True- This can help change your mood and outlook on everything 


What is positive self-talk?

Positive thinking is self-talk that encourages and promotes a healthy thought process. 


What is confidence?

Loving who you are, being kind, saying kind things about yourself, being happy with yourself, having pride.


What can you say to a friend who is nervous about an upcoming test to motivate them to do well?

Some answers may be: 

"You're so smart!"

"You will do great!" 

"I know you will pass!"


This phrase suggests that looking at the bright side is better than, well, looking at the dark side—unless you're a raccoon.

What is "stay positive"?


I can change my attitude if I really want to



What is an example of a positive self-talk statement?

I CAN...be the best.

I WILL...keep trying until I get this right.

I AM...going to be okay. 


How can confidence affect your attitude? 

When you feel good about yourself you tend to be more positive. For example, If I tell myself "I am not smart" then I am probably not going to do as good on a test as I would if I told myself "I am smart!"


How do you motivate yourself to get up in the morning?

Go to bed early, set your alarm clock, say positive affirmations in the morning like "I am beautiful. I am smart. I am kind. Today is going to be a great day!"


What does the phrase, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," mean?

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade is a proverbial phrase used to encourage optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity or misfortune. Lemons suggest sourness or difficulty in life; making lemonade is turning them into something positive or desirable.


It is important to set goals for the future 



What is an example of negative self-talk?

"If I don't get this job, my life is ruined."

"I should have done better; I’m so disappointing." 

"I’m such a failure; I can’t do anything right."


What can you tell yourself if you are having a bad day and want to turn it around?

Today has been difficult, but I am strong and I am going to turn this day around! 


This powerful tool encourages people to recite affirmations to foster a positive self-image and boost motivation.

What are positive affirmations?


This phrase suggests that if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly—preferably with a dramatic flair!

What is "go big or go home"?


If I fail once that means that I am always going to fail.



This phrase means to look at a situation in a more positive light.

"Changing your perspective."


This mindset encourages the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

What is a growth mindset?


Is it better to think positively or negatively and why? 

Positively, because the nicer we are to ourselves the better we feel, and the nicer we are to our friends!


This popular phrase suggests that maintaining a good attitude can lead to good fortune, often summed up as "What you give out comes back ______."

What is "around"?


Learning from failures is how you become successful. 



This practice, which involves reflecting on things you are grateful for, is linked to increased well-being.

What is gratitude journaling?