Peer Pressure
Group Decisions

What is the term for staying true to your values and principles even when it's difficult?



 What method involves making a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each decision?

Pros and Cons  


Why is it important to be aware of peer pressure and its influence on decision-making?

It can lead individuals to make choices that may not align with their values or goals, potentially resulting in negative consequences.


When making decisions, how can various factors such as peers, media, and personal values influence our choices?

By shaping our perceptions, providing information or opinions, and appealing to our emotions or beliefs, ultimately impacting how we weigh options and make decisions aligned with our values or influenced by external factors.


Why is it important for leaders to encourage participation and collaboration among group members?

It fosters a sense of ownership, promotes creativity, and ensures that diverse perspectives are considered, leading to more well-rounded and effective decision-making outcomes.


This value involves showing kindness and compassion towards others, even in difficult situations.



What strategy involves comparing the costs and benefits of different choices?

Weighing Options


What strategy involves establishing clear limits for yourself and communicating them to others?

Setting Boundaries


What are some strategies for resisting negative influence when making decisions?

Some strategies for resisting negative influence when making decisions include:

  1. Setting clear boundaries and sticking to personal values.
  2. Seeking support from trusted friends or mentors.
  3. Using assertive communication to express opinions and preferences.
  4. Engaging in critical thinking to evaluate the validity of information or opinions.
  5. Taking time to reflect on the potential consequences of decisions before acting.

When making decisions as a group, what are some advantages and disadvantages compared to individual decision-making?

Some advantages include pooling diverse perspectives, sharing the workload, and fostering collaboration. Disadvantages may include potential conflicts, compromise challenges, and slower decision-making processes.


This value emphasizes the importance of being reliable and dependable in all aspects of life.



What method involves ranking options based on their importance or relevance to your goals?



Why is it important to have a support system in place to help you deal with peer pressure?

It provides individuals with trusted allies who can offer guidance, encouragement, and perspective, making it easier to resist negative influences and make positive decisions.


What are some characteristics of positive role models that make them effective influencers?

Integrity, empathy, resilience, and a commitment to positive values. They lead by example, inspire others through their actions, and exhibit qualities that promote growth and well-being.


How can consensus-building techniques like compromise or negotiation help resolve disagreements in group decision-making?

Encouraging mutual understanding, finding common ground, and promoting cooperation among members, ultimately leading to a decision that satisfies the majority.


When making decisions, this quality prompts you to listen to others and consider their opinions.



What is the term for evaluating the potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a decision?

Identifying Risks


When using assertive communication, what are some ways you can say "no" to peer pressure without being rude?

Politely but firmly stating your boundaries, providing a brief explanation if necessary, and offering alternative suggestions or compromises when appropriate.


How can individuals maintain a balance between respecting family values and making independent decisions?

Engaging in open and respectful communication with family members, understanding their own values and beliefs, and making decisions that align with both family values and personal growth and autonomy.


Why is it important for each member of the group to feel heard and valued during the decision-making process?

It promotes trust, encourages participation, and ensures that diverse perspectives are considered, leading to better decision outcomes and greater group cohesion.


This value empowers individuals to speak up against injustice and make positive change.



This method involves considering moral principles and values when making decisions.

Ethics in Decisions


What strategy involves confidently expressing your thoughts and feelings while respecting others' boundaries?

Assertive Communication


How can media literacy skills empower individuals to make informed choices and resist manipulation?

Critically analyze media messages, evaluate sources for credibility, recognize bias and misinformation, and understand the persuasive techniques used in advertising and propaganda.


Why is it important to address conflicts promptly and constructively in group decision-making?

To prevent escalation, maintain trust among members, and ensure that the decision-making process remains focused on achieving its goals and objectives.