Traditional Behavior Management
Mother Nature

Tell us a story! 

How did you get your name (full name)? 

Open question! First to respond 


What are the three sisters?

Corn, beans, and squash


What is the Navajo name for cradleboard?



What is the Navajo word for Mother Earth? 



What type of parenting style? 

Open communication, sets clear rules & expectations. 



What does storytelling teach children?

  • To be a good listener

  • Build relationships 

  • Understand feelings 

  • Build trust, confidence and how to make good judgment 

  • Respect – for traditions, parents and peers


What is the fourth sister?

Sunflower, bee balm, tobacco


What is the name of Zach Ben and his wife's business? 

Hint: Baby food line

Bidii Baby Foods, LLC


What activities can you do as a family to reconnect to Mother Earth? 

Earth offerings, taking a walk, hiking, gardening, planting, camping, sheep herding, sheep shearing, playing outside, etc. 


What type of parenting style?

Child-driven, rarely gives or enforces rules, overindulges children to avoid conflict. 

Permissive (Indulgent) 


What does it mean to listen with your heart, ears, and eyes?

Listen with your heart or empathize (understand and share child's feelings). 

Observe (nonverbal cues) and listen to what your child(ren) are saying


What does ACE's stand for?

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are experiences/trauma that can negatively impact a child under the age of 18.


What are some other traditions and events throughout a child's life that we hold important as Navajo people besides the cradleboard?

Beauty Way Ceremony

First laugh 

Kinaaldá (Coming of Age ceremony)


What has Mother Nature taught us? 

To respect Mother Earth, plants, animals, and all living things. Everything has a purpose. 

Learn how to be respectful and coexist with all living things. 


What type of parenting style? 

Parent-driven, sets strict rules & punishment, one-way communication. 



"What would you say?" handout

Situation #2

"You're on the phone. Your child keeps interrupting your conversation."

How would you respond? 

"Would you like to get a book and sit close to me while I'm on the phone?


What does PCE's stand for? 

Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) are experiences in childhood that build a child's sense of belongingness and connection.


What are other examples of traditional nurturing besides the cradleboard?

Wrapping and massage, shawl carrying, talking to children, lullabies, bonding activities, kinship terms, language, discipline rather than punishment. 


Name a value or skill that the environment has taught us?

Responsibility, spirituality, self-awareness, good judgement, leadership, teamwork, determination, empathy, courage, humility. 

Include herding sheep - responsibility; good judgement, self-awareness, leadership, teamwork, compassion, humility, endurance 

Raining - respect; reverence, empathy


What is a Helicopter Parent? 

Overprotective, pays close attention to their child's activities/schoolwork to protect them from pain & disappointment and helps them to succeed. 


"Walking in Child's Moccasins" handout

Listen to the statement, identify the feeling behind it, and respond by phrasing a statement that shows you understand the feeling.

"I want to visit my grandma & cheii. You never let me see them." 

The child misses their grandparents, wants to visit and/or bond more with their grandparents. Doesn't understand the reason for not visiting grandparents. 

Phrase: "We can't visit them as often as we would like but we can make plans to visit sometime this month."


Is this a logical or natural outcome? 

When asked to bring in toys from outside, the child does not. Since child did not bring in the toys, the dog chewed the toys.

Natural Outcome

Natural Outcomes: The result of something the child does. 

Logical Outcomes: Predetermined consequence set by the parents/caregivers


Name a part of the cradleboard and it's significance in Dine' culture. 

Ears, rainbow, female side (Mother Earth), male side (Father Sky), lightning pattern, footboard (base), backboard, white shell, turquoise, etc.



If you were an animal, what would you be? 

What qualities do they have? 

Open question! First to respond.


What are the 4 major parenting styles that we discussed today? 

Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive (Indulgent), Uninvolved (Neglectful)