You forget your school supplies at home
I can put them in my backpack tonight so I don't forget them again tomorrow.
You are late to practice
I can try to be more organized or leave earlier next time so that I make it on time.
You are feeling lonely
I can try to reach out to one of my friends or play with my brother/sister to see if that helps.
Your brother/sister isn’t giving you enough space
They just really want to be near me now. I can try to go to my room and have my own space.
What has to be broken before you use it?
You don’t turn in your homework on time
Maybe my teacher will accept it late. If not, I can make sure I turn in my other assignments on time by writing them down so I don't forget.
You forgot your friend’s birthday
Everyone forgets things sometimes. I can still wish my friend a happy birthday and make them a nice card!
You didn’t get invited to your friend’s house, but your other friends did
I feel hurt, but maybe my friend wasn't trying to hurt my feelings. I can let them know how I feel and talk to them about it.
You don’t like what’s for dinner
Sometimes I may not like what's for dinner. Maybe I will like tomorrow's dinner more.
What is full of holes but still holds water?
You don’t do well on a test
It's okay if I don't do well every time. I can ask my teacher for help or study harder for the next one.
You forgot about a math test
If I don't do well on the test, I can try to retake it or study hard for the next one.
You accidentally hurt one of your friend’s feelings
I can apologize and try to make things right. Hopefully they will understand I wasn't trying to hurt their feelings.
You’re not allowed to go to your friend’s house
I can probably go to my friend's house soon/another time. Maybe I can ask when would be a good time for me to go?
What goes up but never comes down?
Your age
You get a lower grade than you wanted
This wasn't what I was hoping for, but it's still a good grade.
You don’t finish a quiz on time
This was a hard quiz. I can talk to my teacher about the things I don't understand so that I do better next time.
One of your friends isn’t talking to you
Maybe they are having a hard time. I can check in with them to see if everything is okay and hopefully get this figured out.
You are making art and it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted it to
My art is more unique now. I can turn this into something I really like, and I may like it even better.
What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
You don’t know how to do a math problem
This is hard. It's okay to not understand everything. I can ask my teacher for help.
You forgot to do your chores and now you don’t get to use your tablet
I can try to do my chores now and ask if I can still get tablet time. Tomorrow is a new day.
You feel like your friends don’t like you
I've thought things that aren't true before. This could be one of those times. If my friends are doing things that make me feel this way, I can talk to them about it, because maybe they don't realize that.
Your parents get upset with you for doing something your brother/sister does all the time
My brother/sister is still learning.
What has legs but can’t walk