NIH Terms and Conditions
Managing Awards
Effort and Salary
This is when the acceptance of the terms and conditions of an NIH NoA occurs.
What is when funds are drawn down?
This type of fund allows PIs to begin work and post expenses after having received written confirmation from a sponsor that an award is forthcoming.
What is an Advance Account?
This is the NIH individual who provides written approval for prior approval requests.
Who is the Grants Management Specialist?
These two mechanisms in PeopleSoft allow an employee’s salary allocation to be adjusted and ALWAYS require detailed comments explaining the change, when sponsored-research funds are impacted.
What are RPOs and EDCs?
On a typical NIH R01 grant, this is the maximum number of months the grant can be extended on its 1st no-cost extension.
What is 12?
Adding a foreign component to an already-awarded NIH grant would require this from NIH.
What is prior approval?
This is the risk associated with the setup/use of an advance account.
What is the agreement may not be realized/executed and the department will be responsible for any expenses incurred?

This (Partners) Research Management staff submits no-cost extension requests to a sponsor.

Who is the Post-Award Grants Administrator?


This is the maximum NIH annual salary limit on standard grants and cooperative agreements.

What is $192,300? (effective January 6, 2019)

What is $197,300? (effective January 5, 2020)

This is the term used to describe the process in which unspent funds from a previous budget period can be added to the current budget period.
What is Carryover?
This allows for additional time, but no additional funding, to complete the scope of work on a grant.
What is a No-Cost Extension (NCE)?
This is the term to describe the amount of unspent funding at the end of a budget period.
What is unobligated balance?
This individual is always considered key personnel on a project.
Who is the PI?
Only these individuals are allowed to be paid more than the NIH salary cap on an NIH grant.
Who is no one?
Equipment not originally budgeted, but necessary to conduct research on an NIH grant, can be purchased without prior approval, provided it is this to the grant’s SOW?
What is within the grant’s SOW?
For a standard NIH R01 award closeout, these 3 reports are required.
What are the Final Progress Report, the Final FSR and the Final Invention Statement?
The minimum amount of RECEIVED revenue required to establish a new research sundry.
What is $25,000?
In collaboration with the PI and DA, this Research Management position reviews and negotiates the terms and conditions of all research agreements received from non-profit institutions and foundations.
Who is the Agreement Associate?
NIH prior approval is required for a 25% or greater effort reduction for these individuals.
Who are the PI and anyone else named as key personnel on a NoA?
If a sponsor mails/emails a new (or amended) agreement only to the PI, the department must forward this where?
What is or
On a typical NIH grant, when a PI decides to add a new domestic subcontractor that does not significantly change the grant’s scope of work, the NIH Grant Management Specialist must provide this before the subagreement can be issued.
What is nothing?
This type of account is set up for discretionary RESEARCH spending from either internal or external funds.
What is a Research Sundry account?
These NIH programs provide pre-doctoral and postdoctoral research training grants to those interested in pursuing research careers in biomedical, behavioral and clinical research.
What is an Institutional Research Training Grants (T32) or an Individual Postdoctoral Fellows (F32)?

On a standard sponsored research award, salaries can continue to be charged up to this amount of days after the project's end date?

What is 0?


Expenses charged to ALL sponsored research awards must be, necessary, allowable, allocable, consistent and this.

What is reasonable?