The 3 genders are...
The job of the dative case is
The tenses we know so far are
what are present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect
The present tense verb endings are
-o, -s, -t, -mus, -tis, -nt
The irregular verb TO BE in the imperfect tense is
eram, eras, erat, eramus, eratis, erant
The word number refers to
What is singular or plural
The jobs of the accusative case is
What is the direct object, object of the prep
Translate the present tense using word verb for the verb
What is verbs, is verbing, or does verb
The imperfect tense verb endings are
-bam, -bas, -bat, -bamus, -batis, -bant
The irregular verb TO BE in the perfect tense is
fui, fuisti, fuit, fuimus, fuistis, fuerunt
There are how many declensions
What are 3
The job of the ablative case is
prepositional phrases
Translate the imperfect tense using word verb for the verb
was verbing or were verbing
The perfect tense verb endings are
-i, -isti, -it, -imus, -istis, -erunt
The irregular verb TO BE in the pluperfect tense is
fueram, fueras, fuerat, fueramus, fueratis, fuerant
The job of the nominative case is
The subject
The three things that nouns and adjectives have to agree in are
Case, number, gender
Translate the perfect tense using word verb for the verb
what is have verbed, did verb, or verbed
The pluperfect verb endings are
-eram, -eras, -erat, -eramus, -eratis, -erant
The cases we know so far are
What are nominative, dative, accusative, and ablative
The relative pronoun and it's antecedent must agree in
What is number and gender
Translate the pluperfect tense using word verb for the verb
what is had verbed
The irregular verb TO BE in the present tense is
sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt