This creation reduced travel time across the country from months to days.
Transcontinental Railroad
What brought thousands of people to move to the west coast in the early 1900s?
People whose beliefs focus on the progress of the people of the United States.
Journalists who's entire purpose was to expose corruption in America.
Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington
The process of immigrants learning to look and act more "American."
The process of lawmakers and politicians carefully carving out voting blocks that will only support them and their policies.
The notion that stronger, more powerful nations should control weaker nations is known as what?
A tiny apartment that immigrants and poor people were forced to live in during the later 1800s-early 1900s.
How many colonies were made when Britain colonized North America?
This animal was almost made extinct because of the US government and the use of the Transcontinental Railroad.
American buffalo
This act was the first ever law used to limit immigration.
Chinese Exclusion Act
The process of journalists making stories up to grab the attention of readers and stir up strong feelings.
Yellow Journalism
Who wrote the novel "The Jungle?"
Upton Sinclair
What was the first state to secede from the United States?
South Carolina
This acts purpose was to draw people west and have them settle the land there. It usually involved the government selling the land extremely cheaply, so long as the settler paid to travel there.
Homestead Act
Political Machines
The right to vote is known as what?
The US ship that accidentally blew up and started the Spanish-American War.
USS Maine
What Amendment abolished slavery in the United States?
13th Amendment
This court case upheld racial segregation in the South.
Plessy v. Ferguson
What caused the Trail of Tears?
The Indian Removal Act
The process of buying and owning the entire supply line for a product. (ex, if the product is ground beef, they would own the cows, the farms, the trucks, the stores, the machines, etc.)
Vertical integration
This amendment started the Prohibition movement, banning the sale, transportation of, and consumption of alcohol.
18th Amendment
Which famous document had the following quote:
"...When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another..."
the Declaration of Independence