Administration of this medication is first line treatment if the fundus of the uterus does not firm up with massage.
Relief measures for engorgement for a mother who is bottle-feeding.
Apply ice packs to both breasts every other hour- avoid stimulation of breasts
After ensuring the newborn has a patent airway, this is the priority action of the nurse.
Drying/warming the newborn.
promotes early bonding and attachment between the newborn and parents
Dyspnea, diaphoresis, and chest pain following delivery could indicate this complication
pulmonary embolism
This is the best way to assess the fundus of the uterus.
After the patient has voided, lying down supine
Menstruation resumes 7-9 weeks after giving birth for this post-partum mother.
one who is bottle-feeding
A newborn who is large for gestation age and delivered by a mother who has diabetes is at risk for this condition.
hypoglycemia- what are the s/s? How would the nurse check a newborn's blood glucose? What can the nurse do to prevent hypoglycemia?
Emotional state often accompanied by mood swings and tearfulness that is a common occurrence in the first 10 days after birth.
Baby blues
This is a red, raised lesion that is present at birth, but usually resolves by age 3. It does not require interventions
Hemangioma or nevus vasculosus
This causes the uterus to contract/firm
breastfeeding, fundal massage, oxytocin, etc.
The mother of a bottle-fed baby should do this to the bottle to prevent the baby from sucking air.
Because bilirubin is passed through the stool, the nurse knows to promote this to prevent jaundice in the newborn
early feedings
A post-partum mental disorder where thought, emotions, and interpretations are impaired. The woman is at risk for harm to self and child. She may experience hallucinations.
Postpartum psychosis
Indications of post-partum hemorrhage.
steady trickle of vaginal bleeding, hypotension, tachycardia, elevated respiratory rate, soaking peripad, etc.
The fundus of the uterus is displaced to the right of the umbilicus. The nurse would have the patient do this first.
The patient c/o a red, painful area in one of her breasts with flu-like symptoms and fever. The nurse knows those symptoms are manifestations of this.
This medication is administered to the newborn to prevent bleeding.
Phytonadione or vitamin K
A post-partum mental health disorder that requires medication, but is not a mental health emergency such as postpartum psychosis.
post-partum depression
Normal findings for a day 3 post-partum woman who is breastfeeding.
fundus is 3 fingerbreadths below the umbilicus
lochia rubra and moderate
breasts are firm and warm to palpation- indicates engorgement which is normal and expected
Pelvic pain with fever and chills could indicate this infection
This is an indication that a newborn is getting enough fluids.
6-8 wet diapers/day
This can cause obstruction and inflammation in the lungs of a newborn. The signs include: yellow/green staining of the fingernails and umbilical cord and respiratory distress.
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Helps the client to confront the reality of a loss after delivering a stillborn baby, while facilitating progression through the grief process.
Allowing the family to hold/touch the baby and allowing for privacy
These patients are at risk for post-partum hemorrhage.
unable to void, large baby, trauma, lacerations, incisions, multiples, etc.