Inventors & Scientists
Early Civil Rights Leaders

He received the first patent for the Telephone and started the Bell Telephone Company, which we know today as AT&T.

Alexander Graham Bell


President after Abe Lincoln was assassinated, he was an enemy of Civil Rights and is considered one of our worst presidents.

Andrew Johnson


Leading figure of the Underground Railroad, she helped dozens escape slavery and became the first women to lead troops in combat for the U.S. military during the Civil War.

Harriet Tubman

They were originally bicycle makers who would later invent the first successful airplane.

Orville & Wilbur Wright (The Wright Brothers)


President after Andrew Johnson, he supported Civil Rights and established the Freedmen's Bureau to help former slaves and the Department of Justice to prosecute the Ku Klux Klan and enforce Federal Law.

Hiram Ulysses (US) Grant


Escaped slavery, taught himself to read and write, wrote 3 best selling books, and became a leader of the Abolitionist and Civil Rights movements before and after the Civil War.

Frederick Douglass


His Theory of General Relativity and his most famous equation E=MC2 explain the basics of the Universe and he discovered Quantum Mechanics, earning a Nobel Prize in Physics and the title of "World's Smartest Man".

Albert Einstein


President after US Grant, he abandoned Reconstruction and gave up on Civil Rights for African Americans in a compromise deal to become President.

Rutherford B. Hayes


He wanted all Africans who live outside of Africa to return to Africa and free the continent from European Imperialism.

Marcus Garvey


Most famous American inventor who created the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, among many other inventions.

Thomas Edison


Shot in the back for not practicing Cronyism, he was NOT killed by the bullet but instead was killed by a bad doctor practicing bad medical treatments.

James Abram Garfield


Friends with President Teddy Roosevelt, he founded the Tuskegee Institute and favored improving racial equality through learning skilled trades, doing good work, and building successful Black communities.

Booker T. Washington


A rival of Edison, he invented wireless electricity, the Tesla Coil and experimented with X-rays.  Today an electric car company is named after him.

Nikola Tesla


President after Garfield died, he is considered our "Most Forgotten President" with one of his only notable actions being the Chinese Exclusion Act that tried to kick out all Chinese people from the United States.  He also modernized the US Navy.

Chester Alan Arthur


He founded the NAACP, the largest civil rights group in America, and wanted to end Jim Crow Laws through protests and voting, making political elites uncomfortable (He was known as a Radical).

W.E.B. Du Bois