Given to a graduate upon a completion of a two year college program.
A associate's degree
Classes you must take in school before taking a higher level course.
This is the kind of school you attend when you want to complete a certificate program.
What is a Vocational School?
Steps needed to get to graduation.
Earn all of your credits by completing assigned work, talking to your teachers and counselors if you fall behind, and taking the right classes to ensure you graduate on time.
The Navy, Marines, Air Force, Army, and Coast Guard are all part of the ___________.
What is the military?
Arts, church activities, clubs, hobbies, media, military, music, sports, and volunteer work count as ...
What is an extracurricular activity for college admissions?
The financial aid application that must be completed to receive federal & state grants and scholarships to attend post-secondary schools.
What is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
These schools are local and allow students to earn certificates and/or credits to transfer to a four year college/university. They are usually much cheaper than a four year college.
What are community colleges?
Local colleges or trade schools to visit before you make a decision about where/if you want to attend.
Millersville, York College, Penn State York Campus, York County Vocational School (Vo Tech has adult programs), YTI, Empire Beauty School, Shippensburg, Franklin & Marshall, Gettysburg College, Wilson College, Etc.
A type of four year college that is usually much more expensive than state funded colleges.
What is a private college/university?
An application that can be used to submit applications to multiple colleges.
What is the common application?