Text Structures
Figurative Language

What are the characteristics of a poem?

A. Line, line break, stanzas

B. Table of contents, bibliography, index

C. Charts, photographs, timelines 

D. Maps, captions, headings 

A. Line, line break, stanzas


What is an inference?

A. An idea formed by combining background knowledge with text evidence

B. Information gained from personal experience 

C. to quote as evidence to support a response

D. a word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph found in the passage that helps you draw a conclusion

A. An idea formed by combining background knowledge with text evidence


 What is the author's purpose?

A. The main meaning or idea the author is trying to express

B. details from the text that a reader can use to support his or her ideas and opinions about the text

C. an author’s reason for writing, such as to entertain, to inform, or to persuade

D an idea formed by combining text evidence and one’s own reasoning and background knowledge

C. an author’s reason for writing, such as to entertain, to inform, or to persuade


What is point of view?

A. The vantage point of position from which the story is told

B. When the narrator is not in the story 

C. A story with no perspective 

D. When the narrator is in the story

A. The vantage point of position from which the story is told


Which sentence represents a metaphor

A. He was as quick as a mouse 

B. She has a face of an angel

C. The trees danced in the wind

D. The sun smiled down on us 

B. She has a face of an angel


Which of these statements is an opinion?

A. There are seven days in a week

B. December is the last month of the year

C. Valentine's day is in February 

D. The best season is summer

D. The best season is summer


. Which sentence is an example of first person point of view?

A. “The crowd takes up an area the size of Rhode Island”

B. “I pace the hall, hear whispers, a code I knew but can’t remember”

C. “One of Margret’s first clients was the Otis Steel Company”

D. “In 1929, Henry Luce invited Margaret to work at Fortune Magazine.”

B. “I pace the hall, hear whispers, a code I knew but can’t remember”

  1. Which is an example of a simile
    A. “Where I would sit on the front porch/in a gray glider and dream of a world/ Far Away”
    B. “Doors and lips shut/and we become strangers"

  2. C.“I see faces I once held, /open as sunflowers in my hand”

    D.“But no lions or witches scared me”

    1. “But no lions or witches scared me”

C.“I see faces I once held, /open as sunflowers in my hand”


What is most closely the meaning of came under fire as it is used in the passage below: “She repeatedly came under fire in Italy as she traveled through areas of intense fighting.”

A. Caught on fire

B. Was criticized

C. Was shot at

C. Set things on fire

B. Was criticized


The author’s main idea in this passage below would be best expressed by a drawing of —

Some make it past New York or Boston before running out of fuel. Since the electricity is probably not on at this point, rather than find a working gas pump, it’s easier to just abandon the car and steal the new one. Who can stop you? All the cops are in Rhode Island.

A. two people pumping gas at a gas station.

B. police arresting a car thief.

C. someone stealing a car.

D. a person carrying a gas can along a road.

C. someone stealing a car.


What are the characteristics of informational text?

A. Claim, evidence, counter argument 

B. Stanza, line, rhythm 

C. Text features, graphic features, facts, statistics

D. Character, setting, point of view, plot 

C. Text features, graphic features, facts, statistics


Which sentence is an example of personification

A. He was as quick as a mouse 

B. She has a face of an angel 

C. The trees danced in the wind

D. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get

C. The trees danced in the wind

  1. Read this sentence: “ I see familiar skin now stretched on long bodies” 

    Which of these means the opposite of the word familiar

A. Recognizable 

B. Usual

C. Frequent 

D. Unknown

D. Unknown


Which statement is BEST supported by the passage below:

Mrs. Long always glad to see you

The stereoscope always ready to show you faraway

Places to dream about

A. The library had all sorts of toys and devices for children to try out.

B. Mrs. Long regularly held excellent story readings for the local children.

C. The books at the library provided a portal to places the speaker had never imagined before.

D. The speaker was fixated on what the big library uptown was like.

C. The books at the library provided a portal to places the speaker had never imagined before.


Based on the text “Fearless Photographer”, which text evidence best supports the author’s claim that Margaret Bourke-White “earned the respect of powerful businessmen”?

A. “Joseph White and Minnie Bourke, however, never told their daughter what to think and dream about.”

B. “Her interest in photography grew as a result of her father’s enthusiasm for cameras.”

C. “Henry Luce was a powerful and important American publisher.”

D. “In 1929, Henry Luce invited Margaret to work at Fortune Magazine.”

D. “In 1929, Henry Luce invited Margaret to work at Fortune Magazine.”


 In what point of view does the narrator use pronouns such as 'I' and 'me?'

A. First person 

B. Second person 

C. Third person 

D. None of the above 

A. First person


Which of the following inferences about Margaret Bourke-White is best supported by the following passage.

Many photographers today owe thanks to Margaret. From the time she started taking photographs and recognized that they could stir up feelings to culmination of her long career as a photojournalist, Margaret was a trailblazer. She shaped the art of photography and the profession of photojournalism and showed that women photographers could travel all over the world and work alongside men in dangerous situations. 

A. Margaret wanted to travel the world more than anything else.

B. Margaret was dedicated to becoming a great photojournalist.

C. Margaret expected to be thanked after her death.

D. Margaret did not think she could work alongside men.

B. Margaret was dedicated to becoming a great photojournalist.


What is most closely the meaning of combatible as it is used in the passage below: “A cell phone comes out of a pocket. Within seconds, the rest of the world's five billion phones follow. All of them-even those compatible with the regions towers-are displaying some version of ‘NO SIGNAL.’”

A. The maximum amount

B. To come together to form one group or mass

C. Able to work together or be used together 

D. Stiff, unable to bend or move

B. To come together to form one group or mass