What type of weather is the STAR currently experiencing?
Many days of precipitation!
During a Cold Front, the weather is...
Rain, thunderstorms, hail, tornados.
What step of the water cycle is snow and rain?
What city will most likely experience severe thunderstorms in a few days?
What are the 3 states of matter?
Solid, Liquid, Gas
What is happening to Earth's climate over the last 200 years?
It is heating up.
What type of weather can we expect in city C?
Sunny, Clear, Dry Skies
This front has precipitation for many days.
Stationary Front
When water moves from Earth into the atmosphere, this step is called...
What type of weather will Minneapolis soon experience?
Rain or storms
What state of matter has all of the atoms very close together, and they are moving very slowly?
These are the two main gases that contribute to climate change.
Carbon Dioxide and Methane
What type of weather is the STAR currently experiencing?
Warm temperatures, high humidity.
What type of front is known for being cold and sunny AFTER?
Cold Front
This is what we call oceans, ponds, lakes, rivers, etc...
In the future, what type of weather may city E experience on a humid day?
Rain or Storms
This state of matter has no definite shape but has a definite volume
When different gases trap the sun's energy near the Earth, we call that...
The Greenhouse Effect
The weather that LOW pressure creates
Lousy - Rain, storms, cloudy
The type of weather that follows AFTER a stationary front.
Depends on the air front that comes in and finally moves it.
It's the step of the water cycle where water is evaporated from the leaves of plants.
When we predict the weather on a map, should the front be BEFORE the city or AFTER the city?
What is it called when heat is taken away (-) from a gas and it turns into a liquid?
The amount of CO2 you create in your daily life is called...
Your Carbon Footprint
The weather that HIGH pressure creates.
Happy - Sunny, Clear, Dry skies
A warm front creates what type of weather on a DRY day?
Name all the steps of the water cycle.
Collection, Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Transpiration, Run-Off.
In a week, what type of weather might we expect to see in St Louis?
Many days of rain - a stationary front!
In order for matter to change, it needs to add or take away what?
Energy (i.e. heat)
CO2 comes from many different things, but the biggest thing it comes from is...