immigration and migration
post WW1 experience for women
social entertainment/ mass culture
scopes trial

why did so many people migrate to America after WW1?

many people moved to America in search for job opportunity, safety, now life, and to escape their home countries.


what were flappers?

flappers were women who defied tradisional roles


what is mass culture?

Mass culture is the set of cultural values and ideas that arise from common exposure of a population to the same media, art, music, and entertainment.


when did prohabition go into effect?



what was the scopes trial? 

John T Scopes was put on trial in order to challege the butler act. He was convicted on may 5th 1925 and was arrested for a day brefore paying his bail.


what was the Harlem Renaissance?

The Harlem Renaissance was a literary and artistic movement to celebrate black culture.


why were flappers influental?

Flappers created a new way of life for women, they could do things the men did such as drink, smoke, and party.


what was the mass culture of the 20's?

there was  rise for music, art, sports, cinema, and american prosperity.


what exactly was prohabition and who did it effect?

The Prohibition era was a period in the United States from 1920 to 1933, nationwide constitutional law prohibiting the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages was enacted.


who is John Scopes?

John Scopes was a football coach at ray county hightschool in Dation Tennessee, who filled in for a biology teacher.


There were many works of litterature that are important to the harlem renaissance, name two of them.

pride and perils

celebrating heritige 

lives of the working class

lives of southern poor


list 5 descriptors of flappers.

Flappers usually drank, smoked, cut their hair short. wore kee length dresses, and danced without shame. They often worked outside of their home usually in the beauty industry.


describe the art in the 20's.

many artist were pushing he limits of what we considred art, many artist such as picasso reflected the modern age in absract artworks.


what were the direct effects of prohabition?

prohabition caused many illegal and unnderground alcohol production and consumpion. it caused a higer crime and violence rate.


what was the real reson John scopes was put on trial?

Due to the butler act, Scopes wa bannned from teaching evelution to students in place of religion.


who was marcus Garvey? and what did he found?

Marcus Garvey was a black nationalist who founded the UNIA (universal negro improvement assoc.)


what were some struggles women faced after WW1?

Women were conscripted to fill empty jobs left behind by the male servicemen, Images of women were used in propaganda beginning early in the war. Posters (and later cinema) were vital tools for the state to promote a vision of the war as one in which soldiers were shown defending women, children, and their homeland.women couldnt vote yet and still had the expectancy to workin the home and be a mother.


what sprorts were popular in the 20's?

In the 20's baseball and boxing were the most popular sports withe babe ruth and Jack Dempsey being the stars.


Why did prohibition fail?

Too many people perticipated in udnerground drinking including poitical figures. The government agreed it was too dificult to control.


what is the butler act?

The butler act  was a law prohibiting the teaching of evolution over the beief of god creating man kind.


what music was significant durring the Harlem Renaissance?

Jazz music was the main form of music that was played during the renaissance. 


how did womens roles change?

many women started to work, they ussually worked in teaching, nursing, and social work.


Rise of hollywood! describe how movie effected sociaty?

The first "Talkie" was filmed and produced (jazz singer)

radio aslo became popular, many people coped with their life with films and movies.


what were 3 unintended consequenses of prohabition?

  • An increase in smuggling.
  • A rise in organized crime associated with the illegal production and sale of alcohol.
  • A decline in tax revenue.
  • Some cash-strapped restaurants shuttered their doors since they could no longer make a profit from liquor sales.
  • Thousands of people died each year from drinking cheap booze with toxins.

what were the consiquenses after the trial?

the trial had many effects on schools. School textbooks eliminted evoution out of all schooling in order to try and completly get rid of the problem.