The Women's Rights Movement
Radical Republicans

She really enjoyed being First Lady.

(First and last name required.)

Who is Julia Grant?


The first wave of feminism focused mainly on attaining this goal.

What is suffrage, or the right to vote?


This Massachusetts Senator returned to his seat after three years of convalescence, eventually to lead the Radical Republicans.

Who is Charles Sumner?


This was the term for an opportunistic Northerner who had come to the South for economic, political, and/or social gain.

What is a carpetbagger?


This amendment formally abolished slavery in the US.

What is the 13th Amendment?


President Grant vigorously enforced these three laws that helped end the first wave of the kkk.

What are the Enforcement Acts?


These two leaders fought to have women included in the 14th and 15th amendments.

Who are Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony?


Radical Republicans repeatedly overrode President Johnson's vetoes with this fraction of votes in the Senate.

What is two-thirds?


This organization, among other roles, helped negotiate pay among African-Americans and planters, and set up courts to hear grievances between these groups.

What is the Freedmen's Bureau?


This amendment gave suffrage to adult African-American males.

What is the 15th Amendment?


Members of Grant's administration were often accused of this, meaning they gained money illegally through politics.

What is graft?


Picketing, marches, rallies, and civil disobedience were, at the time, called this kind of tactics.

What is British?


The end of this compromise gave Southern states 15 more seats in the House of Representatives, and 15 more electoral votes -- and so decreased the power of the Radical Republicans.

What is the Three-Fifths Clause?


This terrorist group sought to regain the South for whites and for the Democratic Party.

What is the Ku Klux Klan, or the KKK?


This amendment, ratified by the states in 1920, gave suffrage to women.

What is the 19th Amendment?


Grant defeated these two opponents in his Presidential campaigns.

Who are Horatio Seymour and Horace Greeley?


One of only two states east of the Mississippi River that gave women full voting rights before 1920.

What is Michigan or New York?


This act required that the firing of any Senate-confirmed official in the executive branch would also require Senate confirmation.

What is the Tenure of Office Act?


This economic collapse was one major reason why Northerners began to lose interest in Reconstruction.

What is the Panic of 1873?


The 14th Amendment, by making African-Americans citizens, overruled this Supreme Court decision.

What is the Dred Scott decision?


This was President Grant's first-term Vice President.

Who is Schuyler Colfax?


This was the first woman elected to the US Congress, and the state she represented.

Who is Jeannette Rankin of Montana?


This Radical Republican from Indiana proposed an amendment that would grant suffrage to African-Americans and women. His proposed amendment never came to a vote.

Who is George Julian?


This Democrat lost the 1876 election because Rutherford B. Hayes probably made a secret deal with Southerners to pull federal troops out of the South in exchange for their disputed electoral votes.

Who is Samuel Tilden?


This phrase in the 14th Amendment basically means that all laws must apply equally to all people.

What is equal protection of the law?