Themes in The Game and 9

Give a theme that arose from the threat of the atomic bomb.

Ex. Sparked the reflection in our past through literature.


What event sparked the self reflection on our past in literature?

Ex. Fear of Atomic Annihilation.


Explain how fragmentation was used in The Game or 9.

ex. Fragmentation was used in The Game in the create an aura of insanity and like everything was going wrong.

Fragmentation was used in 9 to do much the same thing.


Example displayed in a book.

ex. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, or any book that uses post modern themes like dystopia, nuclear war, espionage, etc.


True or False?

One Characteristic of Postmodern Literature is it comments upon itself.



What is a theme that arose from the Civil Rights Movement?

Ex. Created the reflection on and use of cultural diversity.


What historical event matched the time of ingenuity and curiosity of the public, with much innovation and growth?

Ex. The Great Space Race


Explain how The Game or 9 embarked on a different path in it's literature style.

ex. The Game took a different approach in it's literature style by becoming dark and sort of twisting.

9 used styles like fragmentation to make the poem choppy and confusing.


Example displayed in a movie.

Taxi Driver by Paul Schrader or a movie that includes characteristics or themes of Postmodernism.


How did "Game" blend and overlap fiction and non-fiction?

It took the real threat of nuclear war combined it with a dystopian setting of being locked in a bunker for an unreasonable amount of time.


What is a theme that arose from the Great Space Race?

Ex. Time of ingenuity and curiosity of the public, with much innovation, growth, and abstract thoughts.


What event caused fear and anxiety in the literature of writers?

Ex. World War II and the Cold War


Explain how The Game or 9 uses the past fearlessly.

ex. The Game talks about nuclear war and how it can happen at any instant.

9 uses the past by using clocks to talk about how people are running out of time and/or have time to spare in case of nuclear war.


Made up example of something that could happen.

Nuclear War, espionage, etc.


True or False, an example of Postmodern literature is that it allows for multiple meanings and multiple worlds.



What is a theme that arose from World War II and the Cold War?

Ex. Fear and Anxiety seen in the literature of the writer.


What historical event created the reflection on and the use of cultural diversity?

Ex. The Civil Rights Movement.


Explain how critical theories was displayed in The Game or 9.

ex. In the game the author inspects and reflects on humans and thinks about what they would do in their current situation in the bunker based off the author's own experiences with people.

In 9 the clocks represent humans time left and time they have to spare.


Example from real life.

ex. Nuclear War still a threat, people want more free time on their hands, etc.


Give 3 Examples of Characteristics of Postmodern Literature.

ex. Multiple worlds and meanings, nontraditional forms, comments upon itself, cultural diversity, blends fiction and non-fiction, uses the past fearlessly. 


How else did the Cold War affect American Literature?

The Cold War created themes like nuclear war, dystopia, and espionage. 


Give one example of a theme the Cold War created.

Ex. Espionage, Dystopia, Nuclear War, Fear, Anxiety, etc.


Now that you have analyzed the poem "9" give an example of a theme in it.

ex. The Distraction of Time, Distraction of Love


Example in "Game" or "9".

Any characteristics or themes present.

ex. Nuclear War, Fear, Anxiety, etc.


Besides "9" what are some examples of nontraditional poems during the Post modernism era.

ex. Rpophessagr by E.E. Cummings