Bowel & Bladder
What is assessed in the PP breast exam?
Nipples: everted, flat, inverted? Breast Tissue: soft, filling, firm? Temperature and color: warm, pink, cool, red streaked?
The fundus descends ____ ___________ per day in size after the 1st 24 hrs PP
What is 1 fingerbreadth or 1cm
Which hormone depresses bowel motility?
What is Relaxin
What are the three 'stages' of lochia?
What is 1) Rubra - Red 2) Serosa - pink 3) Alba - white
What are the 3 phases of maternal adjustment
What is 1) Taking-in phase 2) Taking-hold phase 3) Letting-go phase
Your PP patient expresses concern about milk production, she states "My breasts are so small. I'm afraid my baby is going to starve". What should your reply be?
Breast size has no bearing on the woman's ability or capacity to nourish her infant. Instead, the infant's appetite and frequent emptying of the breasts dictate the quantity of milk produced.
Term used to describe the process whereby the uterus returns to the nonpregnant state
What is Involution
Spontaneous voiding should occur within __ to ___ hrs after delivery
What is 6-8
The leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality around the world.
What is PPH- Post-partum hemorrhage
What are some clinical signs of a DVT
What is pain in the calf, erythema, warmth greater in one calf than the other, unequal calf circumference, positive Homans' sign
Movement of milk into the large lactiferous ducts for removal is termed?
What is "milk ejection reflex" or the "let down" reflex
The PP uterus is assessed for?
What is Location: midline or deviated to right/left side Tone: firm, firm with massage, boggy
Maternal diuresis occurs almost immediately after birth and urinary output reaches up to _____ mL each day by the 2nd to 5th PP day.
What is 3000
Use of the Acronym ________ guides the nurse in assessing the PP perineum.
What is REEDA Redness Edema Ecchymosis, Drainage or discharge Approximation of the episiotomy if present
In this phase mom is eager to learn and practice, is obsessed with body functions, has rapid mood swings and desires to take charge
What is Taking-hold phase
excessive swelling and overfilling of the breast and areola as a response to an increase in blood flow and milk production is termed?
What is Engorgement
Subinvolution may be caused by?
What is Multiple births, hydramnios, prolonged labor or difficult birth, infection, grand multiparity, excessive maternal analgesia
What are some nursing interventions that will help to facilitate normal bowel function during the puerperium?
What is 1) encourage 6-8 glasses of water a day 2) encourage diets high in fiber 3) encourage pt to avoid urge to defecate 4) encourage pt to avoid straining to have a bowel movement 5) encourage early ambulation 6) administer stool soteners and/or laxatives as ordered
Describe care of the episiotomy/laceration
What is 1) icebag/pack for 1st 24 hrs 2) heat (sitz bath) after 24 hrs 3) frequently monitor for perineal hematoma
In this phase mother functions are established, she sees infant as unique person, and family unit is established.
What is Letting-go phase
The most common causative of mastitis is_________ and management generally centers on?
What is staphylococcus aureus, antibiotic therapy, application of heat or cold to the breasts, hydration and analgesics
Nursing interventions for discomfort from afterpains include?
assisting the patient in a prone position with a small pillow placed under her abdomen, initiating sitz baths, encouraging ambulation, and administrating mild analgesics.
Upon examination of your 1hr post delivery patient you note the following: fundus is above the umbilicus, it is displaced from midline and is boggy to palpation, the pt's peri pad is completely soaked and the bed pad also has a good amount of blood. The patient had an epidural and still has limited mobility. What should you be considering as the cause?
What is overdistended bladder
What memory prompt can you use for the common causes of early PPH?
What is 'LARRY' Lacerations Atony Retained placental tissue Ruptured uterus You pulled to hard on the cord (causing inversion of the uterus)
In this phase mom is preoccupied with her own needs, needs to discuss labor and delivery, touches and explores infant and is passive and dependent
What is Takin-in phase