What does BUBBLEHE stand for?
Breast, Uterus, Bowels, Bladder, Lochia, Episiotomy, Homan's Sign, Emotional Status
A positive Homans' sign can implicate this complication
What is Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
What are some causes/risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage?
Uterine Atony, Advanced Maternal Age, Prolonged Duration of Labor, LGA (Large for gestational age), Multiple Gestations, Multiparity, Retained Placental Fragments
The uterus should not be palpable abdominally after 2 weeks and should have returned to its nonpregnant location by...
What is 6 weeks
The two most important interventions for preventing excessive bleeding are
What are 1. maintaining good uterine tone and 2. preventing bladder distention
What is Caput
A neonatal condition that involves a serosanguinous, subcutaneous, fluid collection that is caused by the pressure of the presenting part of the scalp against a dilating cervix during delivery.
What some things that are assessed in a postpartum assessment?
Vital Signs, Fundal Assessment, Bleeding and Lochia, Perineal Assessment and Care
Experienced on the first few postpartal days, peaks at day 5, and subsides over the next few days. The symptoms are: Tearfulness, Mood Swings, Irribility, Fatigue, Insomnia, Anxiety Poor Appetite.
What is post partum "blues"or "baby blues"
What is a Meconium Aspiration?
When the baby has a bowel movement prior to delivery, the meconium mixes with the amniotic fluid and can causes respiratory difficulty in the neonate
What are some benefits of skin to skin
*Enhance mother-infant interaction *Decrease crying, grimacing, and heart rate surges in the neonate *Initiate breastfeeding, Temperature regulation
The peripheral cyanosis around the mouth and the extremities (hands and feet). It is found in healthy newborns.
Clinical manifestations of Respiratory Distress Syndrome ( RDS) include..
What is tachypnea (>60 breaths/min), dyspnea, pronounced intercostal or substernal retractions, fine inspiratory crackles, audible expiratory grunt, flaring of the external nares, cyanosis or pallor, apnea and with progression of the condition, deteriorating vital signs (bp, apnea, body temp instability)
What does the acronym APGAR stand for? when should it be completed?
*Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration
* 1 and 5 minutes