Career/Technical Education
Military Service
What does the term postsecondary mean?

Anything after high school


How does college relate to self-motivation?

You have to be self-motivated in college. You will most likely not have anyone there to wake you up or make you get out of bed, go to school, get your work done, etc.


What is another name for CTE programs?

Trade or vocational school


True or False: Apprenticeships are the same thing as on-the-job training.

False- apprenticeships are way more in depth, will last longer, and will teach you much more than the typical on-the-job training.


True or False: Military service can provide many opportunities for education, including things that will help with your career once you get out of the military.

True- There are a ton of opportunities for career advancement in the military.


True or False: Jobs that require more education and training pay more, on average.

True- this is not always the case, but it usually is.


What are the two kinds of free money offered to college students?

Scholarships and grants


List at least two skills that may be taught at a technical school.

Some examples could be HVAC, plumbing, nursing, network administration, dental hygienist, electrician, auto mechanic, welder, cosmology, culinary arts, web developer, farrier, etc.


What is the example of apprenticeship from the movies that Mr. Brown showed you on the PowerPoint?

Star Wars- Jedi masters and their padawans


True or False: In the military, you always get to pick what job you do and where you go.

False- giving up control of these things is one of the sacrifices that soldiers make.


True or False: Jobs that only require a high school education tend to pay close to minimum wage.

True- although this is not always the case.

List the four types of college degrees in order from lowest to highest level.


Associate's: 2 years

Bachelor's: 4 years (typically)

Graduate (requires at least a bachelor's)


Doctorate: the highest level of degree


What is one of the advantages of CTE we discussed over college?

More focused, quicker than college, cheaper than college

Apprenticeships are a great opportunity, so why don't more people do them?

They are very competitive- it is hard to get an apprenticeship, because there aren't that many available and a lot of people want them.


What is ROTC training?

It is a military training program that gives you the opportunity to learn some skills while in college before committing to the military. At some point during your ROTC training, there is a "point of no return" after which you are committed to the military. With ROTC training, you can often qualify to become an officer, with higher rank and pay.


True or False: Certifications always require you to take a course before you take the test. There are no certifications you can without paying for a course first.

False- many certifications require you to enroll in some kind of training program, but others will let you just take the test if you already have the knowledge.


Explain the difference between a junior college, a college, and a university.

Junior colleges: typically only offer 2-year degrees, can take gen eds for cheaper and then transfer to a larger school to get a bachelor's

College: smaller with less programs than a university, usually offer bachelor's degrees but not graduate degrees

University: larger than a college, usually containing several colleges, offers more programs and typically offers graduate degrees


What is one of the disadvantages we discussed of CTE compared to college?

On average: lower pay, less upward mobility, limited availability of programs


What are two benefits of apprenticeships we discussed?

Answers could include: practicing while you are still learning, getting paid to learn (earn to learn), learning from an expert, more job opportunities, networking


What is the GI Bill?

This is a bill that allows the government to pay for some or all of the college expenses for a veteran who has completed their service.


What is the best career path- college, trade/vocational school, apprenticeships, military service, or going straight to the workforce after high school?

It depends on you- there is no one right answer. Only you can decide what the best path is for your life.


Which is better, subsidized or unsubsidized loans?

Subsidized loans are better- they do not have any interest while you are in school because the government pays for, or subsidizes, it.


Why is CTE typically cheaper than college?

It is not that CTE is always cheaper per year than college- but you can usually get through a CTE program in fewer years than it takes to get a college degree, meaning you spend less money overall.


What is networking and how does it relate to the concept of apprenticeships?

Networking: making connections that can help you in your job in some way

There are many opportunities to network while working an apprenticeship, most notably making the connection with your teacher and other people you might work with.


It is a crime to leave the military before your service has ended, and you can go to jail for it. What is the name for this crime?
