What does EdEddieEricksson when you call his name?
what is "Ja Mijn Zoon"
Which song has these lyrics "Your brain gets Smart, but your head gets dumb. So much to do, so much to see. So much wrong with taking the backstreet."
What is "All Star"
Competitive 5v5 Shooter often played in Potatogang
What is" Valorant"
You lose 400 points
Famous Flap Quote about Nuts
What is "nut on the wall, call it wallnut"
from which song are these lyrics" I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand "
What is "Never going to give you up"
Open world building/adventure game about cubes
What is "Minecraft"
Finish this meme [Dude]
What is 'what's better than this, guys being dudes"
Name the 10 smurfs on this picture(you gain 100 points for each one you name, but lose 200 for each one you don't name) [Half]
What is "[Full]"
What Is "This clown car isn't big enough for the both of us"
from which song are these lyrics "When the world is calling you Can you hear them screamin' out your name? "
What is "Legends never die"
World war 2 multiplayer simulation game
What is "Hearts of iron 4"
Name this game [oh]
What is "Among us"
No question
You get 300 points
What did Aaron ask about the creation of CGI-made objects?
What is "Als het ni bestaat hoe hebben ze het dan kunnen filmen?"
from which song are these lyrics "anta ga suki de suki sugite dore dake tsuyoi osake de mo "
What is "Bakamitai "
3rd person adventure/shooter about a cat and a robot saving the universe
What is "ratchet and Clank"
Quote this video [Wife]
What is "ride wife, life good. Wife fight back, kill wife. Wife gone, think about wife regret"
You won 400 points
Meme song originally used in Oppai which was created by one of its members
What is "Level Up"
from which song are these lyrics "the crust of a tan man imbibed by the sand Soaking up the thirst of the land "
What is "Ocean man"
A popular anime fighting game created by Atari
What is "Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3"?
Name this memesong [poopy-di Scoop]
What is "Lift yourself"
Coin Flip, heads you steal 500 points from someone of your choice, tails you give 500 of you points to someone of your choice