This Kelsey was "the most annoying one" who had extremely thick eyebrows.
Who is Ethan Kelsey?
This board game would audibly give the instruction "RED move SEVEN".
What is Mall Madness?
Madeline once got defensive during a discussion claiming this extracurricular was a "real sport".
What is colorguard?
_____ LaBarre was the little guy who never seemed to get the joke.
Who is Alexander?
During a Christmas Cookies gathering, Madeline and Britt made a poor attempt at disguising themselves as these mythical creatures to hopefully "trick" Logan, Reagan, and James.
What are elves?
When creating cookies, it is sacrilegious for Logan to NOT create this recurring character.
Who is "Bloobie"?
This belly-dancing Kelsey was once spotted at a Renaissance Fair.
Who is Emily Kelsey?
With a sweet treat as the prize, this Fall Festival game was regarded as the highlight of the evening.
What is the Cake Walk?
After a heated roasting session, Britt said this about James' facial structure.
What is "James' eyes are too far apart"?
This legally blind sexton could often be seen fumbling around and pretending to clean.
Who is Mike?
While in the Nortons' backyard (after building a makeshift fire pit), Logan and James did this, then tossed them onto the fire.
What is peeing into water bottles?
This cookie cutter shape has (and always WILL BE) used for phallic creations.
What is the Candle?
This Kelsey claimed to have read the entire bible twice.
Who is Sarah Kelsey?
Named after this famous film, Reagan, Logan, and James would run around in the Norton's backyard with fake guns while pretending the grass was water.
What is Jaws?
While working a catering session for Jeff Knapp, the name of this dessert became an incantation for years to come.
What is "PRE-SLICED CHEESECAKE! (clap clap clapclapclap)"?
KIF often ended with this game which involved running around in the dark.
What is Romans & Christians?
During VBS, Logan could be seen in Kapperman-Williams Hall flicking these bugs across the room and yelling "SPACEMAN!"
What are ladybugs?
In a home video, this young Poteet can be seen dumping an entire shaker of sprinkles onto a single cookie.
Who is Logan?
This neckless matriarch could talk faster than any of them.
Who is Paula Kelsey?
While playing this video game, someone-who-will-not-be-named laughed so hard they pooped their pants.
What is Tony Hawk Underground 2? (Any variety of Tony Hawk will be accepted)
During an unfortunate circumstance, a young Reagan once yelled this in the minivan, urging Meri to drive faster and get back to the house.
What is "I GOTTA GO POOPY!"?
Who is Andrew Miller?
Logan and James would always tease Reagan by telling her she "smelled like" this particular pizza topping.
What is pepperoni?
This Poteet ALWAYS mixes the food coloring into the icing.
Who is Reagan?
"So... Marketing, huh?"
Who is Patrick Kelsey?
This game involved running back & forth on the Norton's porch and screaming as if you were being chased by villains from Batman.
What is the "Aaah!" Game?
Hum the tune that Jerry Black would always play at the end of church service.
The average acoustic guitar has 6 strings. This particular person's guitar infamously only had a maximum of two strings while playing I Am The Bread of Life.
Who is Pastor Ken?
In James and Logan's youth, a magazine cutout of this celebrity's nip slip was buried in the backyard.
Who is Janet Jackson?
When Christmas Cookies took place at the Norton house, this fast food restaurant was where we would get lunch.
What is Wendy's?