What is the definition of a host?
the individual with the disease
What is the definition of biosecurity?
Refers to precautions taken to minimize the risk of introducing disease into an animal population.
What are the most successful poultry vaccines?
Against viral diseases
What causes Marek's disease?
What does HPAI stand for?
High path avian influenza
True/False: It is possible to prevent ALL losses from disease.
What is a parasite?
An organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its nutrients from or at the expense of the host
What are the 3 major components of biosecurity?
1. Isolation
2. Traffic Control
3. Sanitation
Why are commercial poultry vaccinated?
To protect them against several diseases - new techniques allow commercial operations to administer certain vaccines while the chick is still in the egg
True/False: Newcastle Disease affects birds of all ages.
How long is the life cycle of Coccidia?
4 to 7 days for completion
Is heat effective in the presence of organic material?
What is a zoonotic disease?
a disease that may be transmitted from animals to humans
What is one of the methods infectious diseases can spread on a poultry farm?
Intro of diseased birds, intro of healthy birds who have recovered from disease but are now carriers, shoes/clothes of visitors who move from flock to flock, contact with contaminated fomites, carcasses of infected dead birds, impure water (drainage water), rodents, wild animals, free flying birds, insects, contaminated feed and feed bags, contaminated delivery trucks, contaminated premises/soil, Air-borne fomites, egg transmission
What is the goal of a vaccination program?
To produce high "blood titers" or the measurement of blood antibody levels
What disease causes sudden death and swollen wattles?
What is a preventative measure for staphylococcal arthritis?
Where are iodophors commonly used?
Disinfect equipment, walls, and water
What is the definition of a pathogen?
a harmful microorganism that is infectious and causes disease
What is one of the steps to biosecurity?
Keep your distance, keep it clean, don't haul disease home, don't borrow disease from your neighbor, know the warning signs of infectious bird diseases, report sick birds
True or False: Immunizations relieve the producer from practicing good husbandry or biosecurity practices.
Is LPAI or HPAI more common?
How is cholera passed from bird to bird?
Bird to bird via droppings and feed or wild animals
What type of birds have a better chance of remaining healthy?
Well-bred, well-fed, vigorous birds
What is direct transmission of a disease?
the transfer of the infectious agent is from one infected host to a susceptible uninfected host
What poses the greatest risk to bird health?
Introduction of new birds and traffic
Dependent upon antigenic units present in the vaccine dose to stimulate antibody production
What does LPAI stand for?
Low path avian influenza
What is a preventative measure for infectious synovitis?
Purchase clean stock and sanitation
What are the 3 main disease control measures?
1. Reducing contact between birds and infectious organisms
2. Maintaining sanitary conditions
3. Strengthening the bird's defenses against invasion by infectious organisms
What is vehicle-borne transmission?
A vehicle - an inanimate object or material (fomite) - becomes contaminated with the infectious agent. The vehicle then comes into contact with new host and infects it.
What is one of the ways to not haul disease home?
Clean vehicles and cages, if you have been near other birds - disinfect everything before you go home, if your birds have been to a fair/show - separate them for at least 2 weeks, keep new birds separate for at least 30 days
What can harm vaccines?
Heat and direct sunlight
What is the definition of infectious bronchitis?
A highly acute and contagious viral disease of chickens which primarily affects the respiratory system
Which disease do you have to have state approval to vaccinate for?
Infectious laryngotracheitis
Where are phenols commonly used?
Footbaths and to sanitize hatcheries and equipment