Point of View
Author's Purpose

You should take out the trash before it gets too late. If you don't do it now, you will probably forget to take it out.

What is 2nd Person


What is the narrator's interpretation of events, people and places based on his or her own personal experiences and background? ( The narrator's dialogue with the reader reflects these aspects and may present opinions or different ideas than other characters in the story.)

What is Perspective


The year was 1601 and Kit had just moved to the New World- the thirteen colonies. She was so scared because people were accused of Witch Craft in Salem. She had lived here for just over 2 years. 



A fictional book like The Maze Runner

To entertain


Carly, Gracie, and KK went to a haunted house. Carly loved the haunted house and wanted to visit three more in the same night. KK thought the special effects were weak and that she wasted her money. Gracie hates being frightened and the gore grossed her out.

3rd person Omniscient 

In fictional writing the narrator's position in relation to the story being told.

Point of View


He dribbled the ball hard and when Porter tried to block him, he went around him. He dribbled and then he dunked the basketball. The crowd roared with glee!

Basketball Court


An article about Dairy Queen's newest and best blizzard in town. The article makes claims about why this ice cream is the BEST.

To persuade


I woke up with a headache and was not ready to start my day. I didn't sleep well because I was worried about my Reading quiz.

1st Person Point of View

IN the story, The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. Who's perspective is the story told from?

Mr. Wolfe


How does the Setting affect the characters?

It impacts the characters actions, and beliefs.


A factual article about how the cells in your body work.

to inform


Mr. Parks wanted to start going to the gym. He stopped at Evolved Nutrition and picked up a protein shake and met his friend Jimmy. They decided to create a work out routine and agreed to meet at the YMCA at 7 am daily.

Third Person Limited


Ella and Paisley have Math class together. Ella hates math and struggles in class. Paisley loves math and often plays math games in her spare time. What's the word for the reason why they fell differently about math... They both have a different__________



How does setting effect the plot?

It impacts the plot because some stories could only take place in one setting. For example, a character cannot have a snowball fight in the heat of summer. Mrs. Parks favorite Christmas Movie, "A Christmas Story" must take place in the winter.


How do you know if an author's purpose is to inform?

Author uses facts, and typically writes nonfiction articles.


When we listened to The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs narrated by the Mr. Wolfe, what point of view was it told in?

First Person


What is something that shapes a perspective 

background, thoughts, beliefs, personal experiences 


Setting includes the time period. How does the time period affect the characters?

They have different hobbies, clothing and maybe different types of speech. Tom Sawyers said he got a "hiding" and that means spanking.


How do you know if the author's purpose is to persuade? 

The author makes claims and the reader may even feel like the author is trying to sell them something.