Definitions of POV
Find the POV
The narrator has an outside perspective of what is going on.
What is Third Person
"It is a dark and stormy night. You stalk Albert Einstein as he eats some cooked ham, thinking about how good that ham tastes. The saliva in your mouth drops down, onto a flower, and you know in 20 years after that flower grows because of your saliva, the whole world will combust and kill the flower." - John daniel doody 2017
What is second person
YOU are the main idea.
What is Second Person
I thought that dog just ate some cheese off the side walk. "\yuck\" i thought.
What is first person
The narrator is the main character.
What is First Person
I saw a Hobo out on the streets, playing the trumpet, while watching dank memes.
What is first person.
The outside narrator tells the story, but only knows what the main character knows.
What is Third Person Limited
It looked like the boy jumped onto that guy's fore head, but he could have done something completely different.
What is Third Person Objective
The narrator tells what’s happening, but doesn’t know what anyone is thinking.
What is Third Person Objective
The man sat down in this alien planet, thinking of how great Liver and jelly sandwiches taste, but he knew they only taste good on Tuesdays.
What is Third Person Limited