Point of View

The term "POV" is an abbreviated or shortened form of the words:

Point of View


Purpose is...

Why an author is writing the text.


Why is it important to know what an author's POV might be?

Helps us know their bias and question what parts of their writing might be true or not.


Why is it important to know what the purpose of an author is?

The purpose lets us know what the author is trying to get us to do:

Making us buy things? Analyze if the writer might be exaggerating.


What is the POV of this text:

College is worthless. Perhaps back in the days, getting a college degree would have gotten you far in life. You could get a great paying job that'll help you finance a house and a car. Nowadays, a college degree won't even help you get into McDonald's.

The author feels that going to college is not worth it because you can't guarantee a good job with a degree anymore.


What is the purpose of the author?

College is worthless. Perhaps back in the days, getting a college degree would have gotten you far in life. You could get a great paying job that'll help you finance a house and a car. Nowadays, a college degree won't even help you get into McDonald's.

The author's purpose is to try and discourage others from getting a college degree.


What are the clue words in this text that tells us it's POV?

As the Harvard Women’s Health Watch reported, “Dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer.

For those seeking a health-promoting lifestyle, it’s not enough to focus on eating your veggies and getting regular exercise. Dr. Seppala advises: “Don’t forget to connect.” -Jane Brody

satisfying relationships, community, friends, family, happier, fewer health problems, live longer, not enough to focus on veggies, exercise, connect


What is the purpose of this text from Jane Brody?

As the Harvard Women’s Health Watch reported, “Dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer.

For those seeking a health-promoting lifestyle, it’s not enough to focus on eating your veggies and getting regular exercise. Dr. Seppala advises: “Don’t forget to connect.”

Jane Brody wants people to socialize more.


What is the POV of the author?

"New York-based data scientist and designer Matt Daniels recently noted Shakespeare’s much touted vast vocabulary and charted how many different words Shakespeare used in comparison to contemporary hip-hop artists. It turns out that a good handful of rappers use a greater vocabulary than Shakespeare did, for the same sized block of lyrics." --Hugh Craig

The author believes that Shakespeare doesn't need as many words as rappers do to get his point across.


What is the purpose of the author?

"I stand before you today as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency of the United States of America. I am not the candidate of black America, although I am black and proud. I am not the candidate of the women’s movement of this country, although I am a woman and I’m equally proud of that. I am not the candidate of any political policies or fatcats or special interests. I stand here now, without endorsements from many big name politicians or celebrities or any other kind of prop, I do not intend to offer you the tired clichés that have too long been an accepted part of our political life. I am the candidate of the people of America." -Shirley Chrisholm

The author is trying to tell Americans that they are president for all voters.