How many people will go to bed hungry tonight? a) 500 000 b) Nearly a million c) 500 million d) Nearly a billion
What is Nearly a billion. Every night 925 million people go to bed hungry. That is roughly 3 times the population of the United States.
True or False: Around the world, 925 million people are hungry.
True or False: People living in the slums of developing countries can pay five to seven times more per unit of water than do people in North American.
What is True.
The 12th wealthiest Country in the World.
What is Canada. (United States is #6, Qatar is #1)
What is the number of people living in the world with AIDS today?
What is 33 Million.
How many million children die of hunger each year?
What is 3. Children’s small bodies are incredibly vulnerable to lack of nourishment, and every year, 2.67 million die of hunger related cause.
True or False: 80% of the world lives on less than 10 USD a day.
What is True, every second child suffers from hunger.
This country has the most overall child deaths a year.
What is Sierra leone
True or False: 100% of starvation is preventable.
What is True.
True or False: Less than 1 billion people live with electricity.
What is False, it is actually 1.6.
Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to ...
What is placing every child in a school?
True or False: Most of the worlds chronically hunger live in Africa
What is False, Nearly two thirds live in Asia and the Pacific.
True or False: The effects of hunger on a child are always reversible with the right treatments.
What is false. With Long term hunger the heart can literally shrink, making it beat harder than it should and decreasing its lifespan. Bones can also stop growing and the brain can starve, dropping intelligence and even changing personalities.
What is one of the world’s leading child-killers?
What is Malnutrition--> Almost cause at least one-third of all child death (some experts estimate it’s a factor in half of all child death)
The richest (___ percent) accounts for three-quarters of world income.
What is 20%
True or False: Starvation is usually what kills hungry kids.
What is False. Although hunger related causes kill more than 1100 children a day, most die not from starvation but from what is called "chronic hunger". This means that they aren't getting the right kinds of food and there body gets weak, allowing diseases to swoop in.
What is a daily reality for many people?
What is Hunger.
What do most parents in impoverished countries do for a living? a) Work in an office or school b) Farm c) Work at school or Hospital d) Sell goods
What is b) Farm. Most families depend entirely on what they can grow, and can a rely make enough to feed their families let alone harvest enough to sell.
The average Canadian consumes what percentage more then the World Health Organization requires for good health?
What is 38%.