A philosophy that recognizes all students as learners who might benefit from a meaningful, challenging, and appropriate curriculum delivered within a general education classroom.
What is inclusion
Analyzing critical features of the learning environment and the key skills that affect student academic, behavior, and social performance.
What is ecological assessment
A 3 tiered collaborative decision making process for establishing and implementing behavioral and instructional strategies to promote positive behavior for all students.
What is a school wide positive behavioral interventions support plan
Families, parents, teachers, and administrators are all members of this group who help determine a plan for student goals.
What is the comprehensive planning team
Content, process, product, affect, and learning environment are ways educators can _______ in schools/classrooms
what is differentiate
Legal term referring to the environment that will least restrict the students intellectual and social growth.
What is the least restrictive environment
Teaching the classroom and school procedures and successful behaviors for the classroom.
what is intervention and preparation
A type of consequence strategy that is desired by the student to motivate them.
What are positive reinforcers
When teachers work together to educate students in the same room. Also known as cooperative or collaborative teaching.
What is co-teaching
Giving students assignments in the same areas as their peers but at different difficulty levels
What is multilevel teaching
A concept that guides the design and delivery of products and services so they are usable by individuals with various capabilities and diversities.
What is universal design
Modeling and having role play situations for friendship making situations.
What is teaching social skills
Students collect data on their behavior and take responsibility for themselves monitor and regulate their own behaviors.
What are self management interventions
Assessments used during instruction to monitor student learning and drive instruction
What is formative assessment
What is prewriting
A multi tiered identification and instructional model for assessing the extent to to which students respond to and need more individualized and intensive instruction
What is RTI
A plan that includes a summary of performance and realistic goals and skills for future use.
What is an individualized transition plan.
Strategies used to redirect and reduce targeted behavior such as turning student attention to something else and reminding student of positive behavior.
What are behavior reduction interventions
The extent to which a learning accommodation is easy to use effective, appropriate, fair, and reasonable
What is acceptability
Learning strategy where students work together such as think - pair - share, jigsaw activities, and discussion teams.
What is collaborative learning
Tailoring instruction and activities to meet the different needs of students in the classroom.
what is differentiation
An educational program that focuses on career awareness, orientation, exploration, and preparation.
What are career education programs
The strategy where the furniture and layout of the classroom limit student behaviors
What is adapting classroom design
Students ask themselves about purpose for reading passage and use main ideas to generate questions, then fins answers in text
A strategy that uses concepts such as acronyms, acrostics, stories, rhyming, music, visuals, and stories to remember things.
what is a mnemonic device