Post-WWI Peace Treaties
Conditions enabling dictators to rise
Dictatorship in Russia
Dictatorship in Italy
Dictatorship in Japan

In what year was the Treaty of Versailles signed?

What is '1919'?


Whose scientific reasoning during the mid-19th century influenced the growth of nationalism in the pos-war era?

Who is 'Charles Darwin'?


Who was the initial leader of the Bolsheviks during their rise to power in Russia? 

Who is 'Vladimir Lenin'?


What colour were the Fascists associated with? 

What is 'black'? 


Whose arrival in Japan in 1853 led to the end of its isolationist policy and entrance into the modern world? 

Who is 'Commodore Matthew Perry'? 


Two countries were forbidden to unite under the Treaty of Versailles. What was the formal term for this forbidden 'unification'?

What is 'Anschluss'?


The rejection of which clause of the TOV by Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes would cause problems in the inter-war era?

What is the 'racial equality clause'?


From mid-1918 until early 1921, Russia was in a state of what? 

What is 'civil war'? 


The title by which Benito Mussolini was often referred to.

What is 'Il Duce'? 


Which two systems was the Meiji constitution of 1889 based on? 

What are the 'Westminster (British) and Prussian' systems? 


What was Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles more commonly known as?

What is the 'war guilt clause'?


Under which policy had populations become used to government controls and interference in everyday life during WWI?

What is 'total war'?


Plans of how many years were created to dictate the economy's direction under Stalin? 

What is '5 years'?


The ideology of focusing on the desires and concerns of the ordinary people is?

What is 'populism'?


From the 1850s, Japan's foreign policy was based on two choices or paths: 'x' or 'x'. What were these options?

What are 'cooperation or confrontation'?


With which 4 countries other than Germany were peace treaties signed during the post-war peace settlement?

What are 'Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey'?


Which leader formed one-party rule over Turkey in the post-war period?

Who is 'Mustapha Kemal (aka Ataturk)'?


From 1934, the Soviet Secret Police were known as what? 

What is 'the NKVD' (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs)?


Mussolini organised his parliament in a particular way in order to create a 'x' state. What does 'x' stand for? 

What is a 'corporate' state?


During the 1930s, the new form or method of governing Japan became colloquially known as:

What is 'Government by Assassination'?


Which 4 empires were formally disbanded in the wake of the First World War?

What are the 'Hohenzollern Empire (Germany), Hapsburg Empire (Austria-Hungary), Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and Romanov Empire (Russia)

By 1914, many countries had seen the development of 'x' society. What does 'x' stand for? 

What is 'mass'?


What was the official style of art which developed in the USSR from 1932?

What is 'Socialist Realism'?


In the 1930s, Mussolini and the Fascists began to seek 'Spazio vitale'. What does this term mean? 

What is 'living space'? 


The army stationed in China, which increasingly developed into something of a state within a state, was known as the 'x' army. What does 'x' stand for?

What is the 'Kwangtung' army?