With God's help, I interpreted two dreams which resulted in the saving of many lives.
Who was Joseph?
Gen 41:16; Gen 50:20
I trusted God to give my 300 soldiers, who "lapped water like a dog," victory over our enemies.
Who was Gideon?
Judges 7
Five of us climbed onto a roof so we could get closer to Jesus.
Who was the paralytic & his four friends?
Mark 2:1-12
God's judgment for our deception was swift and severe.
Who were Ananias & Sapphira?
Acts 5:1-11
At the beginning of the 20th century, known as a man of prayer, I helped launch a revival in Los Angeles which became known as "the Azusa Street Revival."
Who was William Joseph Seymour?
Foster (p. 112)
When it did not make sense, I left my home. When it seemed impossible, I believed. When it seemed a cruel and unlikely command, I obeyed.
Who was Abraham?
Gen 12:4; Gen 22:3
After defying the king's order, these three were joined by one "like a son of the gods" as they walked through some extreme heat of the day.
Who were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo?
Daniel 3
Being a ruler of the synagogue, my daughter was near death when I asked Jesus to come heal her.
Who was Jarius?
Mark 5:21-43
Those who tried to debate me could not withstand the wisdom and the power of the Spirit with which I spoke, so they brought false accusations which resulted in my stoning.
Who was Stephen?
Acts 6-7
Among the miracles attributed to my ministry is taming a wolf which terrorized a village.
Who was St. Francis of Assisi
Foster (p. 101)
An intense wrestling match left me with the need for a hip replacement.
Who was Jacob?
Gen 32:22-32
After I prayed, a borrowed axe head floated in the water so that new dwellings could be built.
Who was Elisha?
2 Kings 6:1-7
By faith I dared to approach a Jewish rabbi to cast a demon out from my daughter.
Who was the Gentile (Syrophoenician) woman?
Mark 7:24-30
The Spirit prompted me to talk with a court official of Candace who then believed and immediately asked to be baptized; after which I was transported more than 3,500 miles in an instant.
Who was Philip?
Acts 8:26-40
I wrote a specific number of arguments which I intended as a protest for the corrupt practice of clergy selling indulgences, which would reduce one’s punishment in purgatory.
Who was Martin Luther?
The Lord heeded the voice of a man, giving us deliverance, when I asked for more hours in the day.
Who was Joshua?
Joshua 10:12-14
When I called to the Lord, fire came down from heaven to completely consume the sacrifice and the altar. Later I was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire.
Who was Elijah?
1 Kings 18; 2 Kings 2
Jesus recognized my faith and restored my sight after I loudly insisted he have mercy on me.
Who was Bartimaeus?
Mark 10:46-52
A centurion from the Italian cohort, I saw a vision of an angel who suggested I contact a man of God who was in Joppa.
Who was Cornelius?
Acts 10
In the 1980's, John Wimber led this movement which sought to demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit through signs and wonders and was marked by many healings and intimate worship with Jesus.
What was the Vineyard Movement?
Because I heard how God had dried up the Red Sea and delivered His people from their enemies, and I believed, my family was spared when God destroyed my city.
Who was Rahab?
Joshua 2 & 6
After repenting with weeping, God granted me healing from a terminal illness and gave me 15 more years to live.
Who was Hezekiah?
2 Kings 20
When my servant was gravely ill, I sent Jewish leaders to ask Jesus to "say the word" for his healing.
Who was the centurion?
Luke 7:1-10
After being severely beaten and thrown in prison, our praises to God resulted in a miraculous prison break and salvation to an entire household.
Who were Paul and Silas?
Acts 16
Referred to as the “Father’s Blessing” and led by John and Carol Arnott, people came from all over the world to experience the Father’s love through signs, wonders, miracles, and more importantly, His contagious love in this city.