True or False

What are these products known as?


Vape Pens

Juul pods


There are over 400 chemicals in Marijuana, but what chemical is responsible for the increase in dopamine levels or the state of feeling "high?"

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol THC


Alcohol is a stimulant


Alcohol is a depressant 


What were e-cigarettes originally created for?

They were created to help adults quit smoking.

Vapes & Juuls were created to target adolescents to smoke.

True or False

Driving under the influence of marijuana is legal in the state of Massachusetts

False Driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal


There are many different signs of withdrawal such as nausea, please name two signs of withdrawals other than nausea.

Fatigue, anxiety, nausea, drowsiness, lack of sleep, depression mood, flu-like symptoms, runny nose, excessive sweating, & body cramps

Some answer may not be listed here


It takes longer to feel the effects of an "edible," rather than smoking marijuana.

An edible is marijuana that is cooked into brownies, candy, etc.


An edible takes longer due to being absorbed by the digestive system first then being sent to the bloodstream and liver


What is the name of the incurable disease that is caused by vaping?

Popcorn Lung


How many ounces are you allowed to carry on you while outside of your home?

For 100 Bonus points how many ounces are you allowed to have in your home?

1oz on your person

10oz in your home

Remember you must be at the legal age to carry marijuana 

A person shall be fined $100 and forfeiture of the marijuana


At what BAC level does the law make it illegal to operate a motor vehicle. 

.08 BAC for 21+ years of age 

.02 BAC Under 21 years of age


You have two teachers that are currently teaching this freshman seminar class. What are their names (last names), job titles, and what are they here to help you with?

Ms. Valente - Librarian, QHS Community Service Coordinator - library skills, formatting papers, google troubleshooting, password resets, life skills. etc.

Mr. Johnson - Health Interventionist - Organizational skills, life skills, coping skills, addictions, etc.


One Juul pod contains _____ cigarettes worth of nicotine

Fill in the Blank 

Hint: its a number

One Juul pod contains 20 cigarettes worth of nicotine


Understand and know your laws.

If you are under 21 and you are caught purchasing or attempting to purchase marijuana accessories, what are the consequences you may face? 

Procurement of marijuana by a person under 21 years of age. A person under 21 years of age, except a qualifying patient holding a valid registration card for the medical use of marijuana, who purchases or attempts to purchase marijuana, marijuana products or marijuana accessories, or makes arrangements with any person to purchase or in any way procure marijuana, marijuana products or marijuana accessories, or who willfully misrepresents such person’s age, or in any way alters, defaces or otherwise falsifies identification offered as proof of age, with the intent of purchasing marijuana, marijuana products or marijuana accessories, shall be punished by a civil penalty of not more than $100 and shall complete a drug awareness program established pursuant to section 32M of chapter 94C of the General Laws. The parents or legal guardian of any offender under the age of 18 shall be notified in accordance with section 32N of chapter 94C of the General Laws and the failure within 1 year of the offense of such an offender to complete a drug awareness program may be a basis for delinquency proceedings for persons under the age of 17 at the time of the person’s offense.


What room number is this library?
