
The sharing of knowledge on mediums such as social media.

What is New Power?


The act of sharing authority and responsibility of decision making from leaders to group members.

What is Empowerment?


Informal approaches to gaining power through means other than merit or luck.

What is Organizational Politics?


Cultivating friendly, cooperative relationships with powerful organizational members and outsiders can make the leader’s cause much easier to advance.

What is Developing Power Contacts?


Different ways to limit growth of dysfunctional political behaviors.

What is Avoiding favoritism and cronyism or Setting good examples at the top or Having goal congruence or Making topic discussions publicly or Hiring people with integrity?


The predominate view and ownership of power in established organizations.

What is Old Power?


The assigning of formal instructions and responsibilities to employees for them to complete a specific task with a bit of creativity of their own.

What is Delegation?


Organizational structures that have a high power concentration at the top.

What is Pyramid-Shaped Organizational Structure?


The notion that everyone expects to be paid back in full for helping out.

What is the Law of Reciprocity?


Different ways to promote growth of dysfunctional political behaviors.

What is Applying favoritism and cronyism or Setting bad examples at the top or Not having goal congruence or Making topic discussions privately or Hiring people without integrity?


The lawful right to make a decision and expect compliance.

What is Legitimate Power?


Learning about other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world in which we live. It helps dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups.

What is Taking into Account Cultural Differences?


“It’s not what you know but who you know” is the phrase used to describe the firm's lack of objective methods.

What is Subjective Standards of Performance?


Committing these politically insensitive acts can also prevent one from attaining power.

What is Avoiding Political Blunders?


When there is a high degree of organizational politics.

What is High level of stress or Temptation to quit or Decrease in job satisfaction or Less commitment to employer or Lower task performance or Degrading organizational citizenship behavior?


Power that depends on how closely the leader is linked to shareholders and board members.

What is Power from Ownership?


When workers lack a clear perception of the boundaries of empowerment.

What is Establishing Limits to Empowerment?


People that engage in political behavior because they want to manipulate others, sometimes for their own personal advantage.

What is Machiavellian Tendency?


A loyal worker is valued higher because organizations prosper more with loyal than with disloyal employees.

What is Displaying Loyalty?


When there is a low degree of organizational politics.

What is Low level of stress or Temptation to stay or Increase in job satisfaction or More commitment to employer or Higher task performance or Increasing organizational citizenship behavior?


Leaders in search of more power typically maneuver toward a higher-reporting position in the organization.

What is Power from being Close to Power?


Workers deciding what should be done, why it should be done, and how to accomplish the task.

What is Encouraging Self-Leadership?


People resort to political maneuvers to ingratiate themselves with superiors because they lack confidence in their own talents and skills.

What is Emotional Insecurity?


Behaviors directed at enhancing one’s image by drawing attention to oneself.

What is Managing Impression?


When too much organizational politics occurs that it causes damages to the organizations and its member.

What is Dysfunctional Politics?