Name all new affinity groups within power with their correct names.
Power Veterans, Queer Power, Inspiration, MI Gente, B.E.R.G, Women Empowerment,
List the top 3 most common birth months in the US
August, July, October.
If you wanted to guarantee a spot at quest how long would you have to have worked at power to be in Wave 1
5 Years
What is the minimum DPI Mentor standard in Nitro, what is the Detroit office requirement if different from Nitro.
$4,750 and $5,000
This online learning tool allows reps to learn and test their basic understanding of powers systems and products
Learning Dojo
This Great Lake has the most shoreline
Lake Huron
This daily Update in nitro showcases Top CD and Sales performers from the previous day and is self proclaimed to have catchy titles/ headlines.
Dizzles Sizzle
Which Artist has the most #1 songs of all time
The Beatles
How many internal sporting events does power host.
Golf, Basketball, Hockey
List 3 of the 4 Sales SR Vice Presidents at power
Lee, Jake, Seth , Kyle.
What are the requirements to attend PAG for the 2025 sales year
Top 75 Sales reps in Volume and/or top 75 in DPI
How many rooms within the Detroit office are named after Major Detroit Metro Roads
4: Ford Road, Woodward, Grand River, Gratiot, (Packard, Road in Ann Arbor)
What day and year was power founded.
July 3rd 1992
Aside from Salt and Pepper what is the most commonly used spice in the world
This Book has been a main guide to powers leadership on how the business is run. (Title and Author)
Good to Great - Jim Collins
What first made its debut at a Power leadership conference and was later copied by our local leadership and used at the beginning of this year.
Movie: In and Of itself
These Monthly product specific events help sales reps sharpen their skills within the job.
National Retrains.
How many "Mile Roads" are located in metro Detroit.
Later this year sales schedules will be changing. If you are a sales rep with over 3 Million in Net volume what will your schedule be this upcoming July.
1 Early Day, 2 Late starts.
what rank is the state of Michigan in land mass compared to the other states
What is compass and what requirements are required to attend compass as a sales leader.
18 Months at power
Current Mentor
5k DPI over last 6 Months, or last 3 months
Nominated by VP, Approved by SVP.
How many C-Suite Level positions are held at power according to Nitro (500 Bonus points if you can name the individuals who hold those positions)
Total 9: Chief Brand Officer, CO- CEO X2, Chief of Production, Chief People Officer, Chief Sales Officer, Chief Finance Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Chief BT Officer,
Name two of the top 3 Sales reps who lead the office in closing on the year.
Closing( Kessman 66%, Abe 57.1%, Waldecker 57.1%)
Detroit boasts to have the 2nd largest of these in the world
Fox Theater, Theater.
How much money in total is power giving away through one of its newest charity partnerships. (list the partnership and the total amount)
Giving Circles, 3 Million.
How flat is the earth. (What is the curvature of the earth, answer in Inches per mile)
Its not, Curvature is approx. 8in for every Mile
( Double Points) Detroit had the highest growth year in the office history growing by 11M from 2023 to 2024. What rank did that place Detroit within the company and Which office that was open all of 2023 had the highest volume growth in 2024.
Detroit was 10th and Tampa was #1 with 24M in growth
The name that the Detroit Sr. Leadership team calls themselves.
The Tribe
How many individuals within the Detroit office sold over 1 Million in net sales in 2024
How many Championships (Super Bowl, World Series, NBA, Stanley Cups) does the city of Detroit hold across all 4 of its major sports teams.
Red Wings 11, Pistons 3, Tigers 4.