What is one different between mammals and reptiles.
Mammals have fur, reptiles have scales. Mammals do not lay eggs, reptiles do. Reptiles are cold blooded, mammals are warm blooded.
What planet is closest to the sun?
Can you drink salt water?
How do you show that you want to speak in virtual club?
Click the hand raise button
What is a scientific diagram?
A drawing of a certain image with labels to teach us more.
What are constellations?
Imagined pictures in the stars.
What are three languages that might be spoken in Edmonton?
English, French, Cree, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, and more
What are three living things that live in the ocean?
Coral, seaweed, crabs, fish, whales, dolphins, and many more.
Name one person in club today who has a younger sibling.
Multiple Correct Answers
Name 3 different dinosaurs.
T-rex. Velociraptor. Stegosaurus. Triceratops. More options as well
Is our sun the biggest star in the galaxy?
Name 3 types of transportation.
Bicycle, train, car, walking, bus, skateboard, boat, airplane, scooter, and more.
What types of major storms form in the ocean?
Name 3 staff who have helped at club this year.
Katie, Becca, Yael, Eva, Danielle
Name one animal that lives in the rainforest.
Jaguar, anaconda, toucan, boa, tree frog, tiger... and others
How do people use constellations?
To know what direction they are facing (like a map)
What can you use to make invisible ink?
Lemon juice
Is coral a plant or an animal?
Name two people at club who have a pet.
Many possible answers
What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a small or large area where plants and animals interact with each other.
Gravity is the force that keeps us stuck on earth. Large objects in space all have their own force of gravity.
Name 3 countries that start with the same letter.
Canada, China, Croatia. Other possible answers as well.
Name 2 types of sharks.
Hammerhead, great white, mako, whale, and others
Name every person who joined group today.
Depends on attendance.