Describe Human Face Targets
Female=brushing hair
Male= putting on coat
What was the age range of the children
4-7 yrs old
What did the findings about the children suggest for false positive responses in target-absent-line up?
False positive responses may be driven by social factors rather than cognitive factors.
Which Group had higher correct cartoon rejection rate?
The adults correctly rejected the cartoon foils more often than children.
Qualitative Data?
free recall about the content of each video clip.
Informed consent provided by parent/guardian, debriefing occurred, privacy protected, confidentiality protected.
Research Method?
Lab experiment
Psychology being investigated?
Eyewitness testimony, false positive responses
Fatigue, anxiety and stress.
What were the cartoon targets used in the study ?
Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go
Independent Variable (3)
1.) Age of participant
2.) Type of familiarity
3.)Type of lineup
Individual or Situational Explanations?
The study involved BOTH individual= differences in how a child may process info and situational= situation of having to choose when a target was not in a lineup sig. affected the child's accuracy.
Application to Everyday Life?
Can be useful in the criminal Justice System.
Sampling Technique ?
Unknown for children. Adults may have volunteered.
Cognitive Approach?
Focuses on mental processes such as remembering, perceiving, understanding, and producing language, solving problems, thinking, and reasoning.
Describe 2 weaknesses
1) Low mundane Realism 2) Repeated measures= order effects
Adult Sample?
53 (36f:17m)
Describe 2 strengths
1) lab experiment 2) high levels of standardization 3) repeated measures design 4) Quantitative Data
1 item from Apparatus?
Demographic and cartoon watching form, human face target, cartoon target video, cartoon foils, lineup presentation, Instructions, line-up administrators, free recall descriptions
Quantitative Data? at least 1
1) # of correct identification rate for target absent/rejection rate for target absent
2) # of foils chosen and false rejection rates
Dependent Variables (2)?
1) correct identification rate for target present
2) correct identification rate for target absent
Describe the aims of the study.
1) to investigate if cognitive of social factors affect correct identification rate and false positive responses in a lineup
2) to investigate correct identification and false positive responses in a lineup in relation to the familiarity of the target
Experimental Design?
Independent Measures and Repeated Measures
How many children participated?
59 (21f:38m)
Researchers predicted that in children, errors are more likely driven by social factors.